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Feb. 3rd, 2011


I somehow expected to be greeted by Aslan when our ship went through that tunnel.

Jun. 26th, 2010


This isn't Fangtasia. It sure as hell doesn't look like Bon Temps.

May. 7th, 2010


...Who's there? I carry a rape whistle!

Mar. 11th, 2010


This isn't... I... *sigh* I came to rely on him, how the hell am I supposed to understand any of this without Jared to mull things over with?

Dec. 13th, 2009


Malcolm is here

Our son is finally here. I believe I have this right, this isn't exactly a holocam that I'm familiar with.

Malcolm )

It was almost as easy as Rhaun's birh was. I think Rand is pleased.

Dec. 1st, 2009


Rand, I think our son is about ready to make another entrance into this world.

Oct. 19th, 2009


What IS that?

Sep. 18th, 2009


Uh... are the gates not working? I don't remember Kaeleer looking quite like this...

Jul. 3rd, 2009



May. 12th, 2009


What the hell is this? Jim? Where did you land us now?!

Apr. 18th, 2009


Something feels wrong - terribly wrong, and I cannot put my finger on it.

Apr. 7th, 2009


*a very deep rumble along all the levels of Jewels and even deeper is felt*

Gates are opening and more and more are coming through... some are not prepared for this world they enter...

Jan. 1st, 2009


Should we go to the party, Love?

Nov. 18th, 2008


Ow. Dammit.

Oct. 30th, 2008



Oct. 17th, 2008


If anyone is interested (ahem, Chad), we'll be working out and sparring bright and early in the morning at [location]. It'll be hard to miss. Pretty sure there are only three of us with wings here, and all three should be there.

Sep. 19th, 2008


Where the FUCK is my wife?!

Sep. 17th, 2008


Where the Hell is this? This is not Kaeleer!

There is an accompanying rumble of thunder.