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[04 Feb 2018|11:47am]

Working holiday. What a ridiculous notion. I'm actually tackling a current day's workload in the back of a hired car while we zip through London as if making a Jason Statham film.

Give me your favorite oxymoron.
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question of the day #3 [28 Jan 2018|01:02pm]

What are the top three things you want to accomplish before you die? How close are you to accomplishing them?

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[25 Jan 2018|10:16pm]

i'm bored and just drunk enough to want to play so tell me your deep dark secrets. confess something. comments are screened and anon is on, if you prefer. and i won't remember in the morning anyway so no harm done.
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customs for everyone [22 Jan 2018|04:38pm]

do you ever just get a craving for something sweet, like brownies? so you make them, and they come out lopsided and gooey -- definitely not something you would offer a guest, but they're the best brownies ever? am i the only one?
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adds #4 [21 Jan 2018|10:44pm]
please add and welcome,

[info]alicy kennedy family
[info]arable spanish royal family
[info]paolov versace family

please be sure to head here and update your friends list!
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[17 Jan 2018|07:19pm]

I'm Kason, and I can't understand how we live in such a technologically advanced society and yet somehow no one has figured out how to make the commercials the same volume as the show. What's your biggest pet peeve? That's probably not my biggest one. Worst has got to be open mouth chewing.
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everybody gets a custom!!! [13 Jan 2018|10:16pm]

Read more... )
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request customs here! [13 Jan 2018|08:44pm]

manchester city has had quite a run. i'm not sure what'll turn out when they face off with liverpool tomorrow. i know i'll be watching.

what is your favorite sport?
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customs if you want them [13 Jan 2018|01:42pm]

i'm eddie, tell me who your childhood hero was.
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[12 Jan 2018|08:18am]

I'm Marc. It's late. And I'm bored. So let's get to know each other, shall we?

Pick a number, ask me anything. I'll return the favor. Deal? Deal.

25 questions )
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christiane / tiane & customs [11 Jan 2018|07:01pm]

since i haven't gone to sleep, it's technically still thursday so bless me with a throwback picture or if childhood was a little rough for you (not everyone gets to be born as absolute perfection like me), what is a question you've always wondered the answer to.
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