Jj's fanfiction - January 12th, 2008
my journal

for the life of me i can't castrate a cow posting in Jj's fanfiction
User: [info]jenish (posted by [info]fizzyblogic)
Date: 2008-01-12 20:10
Subject: Four Guys Tyson Never Slept With (And One He Definitely Did)
Security: Public
Tags:chris/darren, darren/tyson, fandom:bands:aar, fandom:bands:cobra starship, fandom:bands:fall out boy, fandom:bands:hush sound, nick/tyson, pete/patrick, pete/tyson, tyson/b-rob, tyson/toad

Four Guys Tyson Never Slept With (And One He Definitely Did) now lives at the link.

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