He cheats. He always cheats. - April 13th, 2008
I came back for you.

User: [info]janto (posted by [info]_bad_wolf)
Date: 2008-04-13 00:36
Subject: Fic: Backstabbed - Ianto/Jack - PG13 - Torchwood
Security: Public

Title: Backstabbed

Author: Celebrian.
Web page:
@ LJ http://www.livejournal.com/users/celebrian_lotr/
@ IJ http://users.insanejournal.com/_bad_wolf/
Pairing: Ianto/ Jack
Rating: PG13
Summary: Jack and Ianto talk.
Spoilers: Ep: 11 S2 Missing Scene after the end.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Warnings: Angst(ish) & Fluff?
Author’s notes: One shot. Finished.
Feedback: Is addictive and encouraging ;-)

Thanks to Beta [info]xibalba who is a saint and reads stories about a fandom she’s only heard me rambling about and [info]just4bri All remaining mistakes, my fault.


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January 2009