He cheats. He always cheats. - March 21st, 2008
I came back for you.

User: [info]janto (posted by [info]ex_daffy347)
Date: 2008-03-21 11:12
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public

Title: A Big Calibre
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: PG – 13
Spoilers: None
Summary: Jack. Ianto. Shooting range.
Beta: The wonderful [info]wastexyourxtime
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood or the beautiful guys *sigh* Just playing for a bit…I mean no harm.

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User: [info]janto (posted by [info]ex_daffy347)
Date: 2008-03-21 11:15
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public

Title: Dancing.
Rating: PG
Pairing/Characters: Team Torchwood, Jack/Ianto
Disclaimer: They are not mine *sobs*
Spoiler: Torchwood all of season 2 (up to 2x09)
Ianto's POV

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User: [info]janto (posted by [info]ex_daffy347)
Date: 2008-03-21 11:18
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public

Title: First
Characters: Jack/Ianto
Rating: NC-17
Words: 1292
Disclaimer: I own nothing. *points at RTD and the BBC*
Summary: Directly after the episode Meat. Ianto realizes he could have died. So does Jack and they decide to celebrate life in their own way ;) (Ianto’s POV)


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my journal
January 2009