Sep. 22nd, 2007 @ 09:13 pm Fic: Plamistry (James/Scorpius)
Title: Palmistry
Author: Erika
Pairing: James/Scorpius
Beta: Sylvie
Summary: Part of a prompt challenge found [info]james_scorpius Insane Journal community. Prompt: Hands

First Table:
1.Green 2.War 3.Hands 4.Taste

It wasn't so much that hated Divination as that he thought it was a waste of time. There were only so many stories he could make up as he looked down at the tea leaves, and only so much tea he could drink.

It wasn't like it was real. Or true.

In fact, his aunt Hermione, the smartest person he's ever known, thought it was a load of rubbish.

When had tracing the lines of his palm predicted his fate?

As his dad said, fate was what you made of life, and it wasn't like his lifeline or heart line would determine what kind of life he would have, who he marry or even if he would become an Auror like his dad.

Because if he did take it seriously, and accept what the lines of his palm were telling him, in particular his lack of fate line, it would seem his life was going to be a series of adventures.

Maybe there was something to this, after all.
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Sep. 22nd, 2007 @ 09:18 pm Fic: Sweet (James/Scorpius)
Title: Sweet
Author: Erika
Pairing: James/Scorpius
Beta: Sylvie
Summary: Part of a prompt challenge found [info]james_scorpius Insane Journal community. Prompt: Taste

First Table:
1.Green 2.War 3.Hands 4.Taste

Classes were finally over, Gryffindor had won the cup, and the students were getting ready to board the train.

From where he stood, James watched as his brother Al and other first-year students were involved in an animated discussion about summer holidays and exchanging owl posts.

He rolled his eyes. God, could they be more girlie?

He reached into his jacket and the pocket inside, taking out the small, red water balloon. A balloon he had got during one their father-son expeditions to the muggle world he and Al had had with dad.

He'd never had the chance to get Malfoy back for that snowball; now seem the perfect time. And if he was caught, it wasn't as if he could lose house points.

"Hey, Malfoy!"

James pulled his arm back and threw the water balloon, hitting Malfoy right in the face.


Now he knew what revenge tasted like.

Hmm. Maybe he should try out for beater?

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