Sep. 15th, 2007 @ 01:51 pm Fic: Battlegrounds

Title: Battlegrounds
Author: Erika
Pairing: James/Scorpius
Beta: Sylvie
Summary: Part of a prompt challenge found [info]james_scorpius Insane Journal community. Prompt: War

First Table:
1.Green 2.War 3.Hands 4.Taste

"Freak," James murmured teasingly to his younger brother as he tried to catch his breath. Most of the Gryffindor first- and second-years were playing outside in the snow, throwing snowballs at each other or creating makeshift snow forts.

"Hey, Potter!"

Someone called out to James and, as he looked over his shoulder, he was hit with a ball of snow.

James wiped the snow off his face and felt some of it trickle down his neck. "Agh," he shouted amidst the giggles and gleeful laughter of his housemates, in particular 'the intruder,' a name James had picked in reference to Scorpius Malfoy.

"Prepare to die!" he yelled as the snow fight continued, and the second-years finally gained the upper hand.
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Sep. 15th, 2007 @ 07:49 pm Fic: 10 Random Facts about Portrait Snape

Title: 10 Random facts about Portrait Snape
Author: Erika
Fandom: Harry Potter, post DH
Beta: Sylvie
Summary: This can be viewed as part of the: 20 Random facts about Scorpius Malfoy and 20 Random Facts about James Potter.

Strangely enough this was supposed to have been 20 Random Facts and the other two were supposed to have been 10 Random Facts. As you can see, it didn't work out that way.

I wasn't sure whether I should post it here, it does though belong to the same universe as the two 20 Random Facts pieces mentioned above.

10 Random facts about Portrait Snape
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