Aug. 30th, 2007 @ 05:58 pm Intro and challenge

Hello everyone and welcome to the James/Scorpious fanfiction journal.

I would take this opportunity to set up a prompt fanfiction challenge for the month of September.

I have set up three tables and you are quite welcome to pick the table of your choice and write or create artwork based on that prompt.

1. The minimum - 100 words
2. No maximum. You can make it as long as you want.
3. It could be continuous. Meaning each prompt can leads into the next part of the story.
4. Prompts can also be stand-alones.
5. You can mix the order of the words within the prompt, should you so choose.
6. Artwork - it could be in pencil, digital drawing, photo manip. It is up to you.
7. You can also mix and match. Meaning some of the prompts can be done in fiction, the others as art. Basically, what you feel more comfortable.

Due Dates:
1. Sept 9, 2007
2. Sept 16, 2007
3. Sept 23, 2007
4. Sept 30, 2007

Rules: Posting guide for Fics/WiPs/Drabbles/Ficlets/Art work

Pairing: if applicable.
Section: WIP
Spoilers: if applicable.
Warnings: if applicable.
Word Count:
Notes: if applicable.
Beta: if applicable.

Please reply to this posting to claim a post

First table:
1.Green 2.War 3.Hands 4.Taste

Second Table:
1.Need 2.Dark 3.Soft 4.Red

Third Table:
1.Want 2.Sound 3.Snow 4.Pet

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