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Jamais Fâcheux

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Yue & Ruiza: Friends again [PG] [02 Jun 2008|07:11pm]
[ mood | chipper ]

The sun set and Ruiza woke up, smiling softly. He knew it'd be a good day, even though he had almost died that morning. He got up and dressed, stretching a little. He walked out of his room, knowing he should call Koyasu, but he'd do that in a little bit. He wanted to talk to Yue first. He hadn't seen the rabbit in so long. He smiled softly as he looked out at the garden, hoping the rabbit was there.

The rabbit was overseeing the final touches to the greenhouse and smiled some as the men packed up - finished with the building. It had the smell of 'new' to it and hew touched his fingers over the door before he pulled the key from his pocket and locked it. He didn't want anyone going into it until he had a list of the plants that were to be grown or the vegetables which meant he'd have to get together with Aya and talk to him about it.

Let's talk in front of the greenhouse )

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