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[08 Mar 2014|10:53am]
Who: Lady Laurel and Sir Oliver
Where: In the parlor of Laurel's house.
What: Private chat/fight
When: Now.
Rating: Medium.
Open: Depends.
Notes: Canon wise Oliver and Laurel are not in a good place and now they are stuck with each other yet again.

Kinda thought it was a mystery and then I thought I wasn't meant to be You set yourself fantastically, Congratulations you are all alone. )

[08 Mar 2014|11:10am]
Who: Hayley and Klaus
Where: In their chambers
What: Private chat/fight
When: Now.
Rating: High - Klaus has a temper.
Open: Depends.
Notes: Klaus has banned Elijah from the castle, Hayley aims to fix that.

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[ viewing | March 8th, 2014 ]
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