July 2010



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May. 17th, 2010


Placeholder to announce the Smethwyks' murders and information about Mulciber's upcoming trial (21.05.1980).

May. 16th, 2010


I thought you would have more fun with this than I.

In a parcel attached to the owl's leg )


RP Log: Marlene & Remus

Characters: Marlene and Remus Lupin
Setting: Their flat during the mid-morning of 15 May (backdated slightly)
Summary: Marlene finds out that Dorcas and Jack have died and Remus comes to the rescue.
Warnings: TBA

Placeholder! )


Who: Zipporah Smith & Alex Davis
What: Drink-therapy.  And probably some flirting, because let's be honest.
When: 15 May, 1980.  Saturday night.
Where: The Leaky Cauldron.
Rating: TBD, not high.
Status: Ongoing thread


Who: Fabian Prewett and Decima Yaxley
What: A date
When: 16 May 1980; 2 p.m.
Where: A hill in the vicinity of Hogsmeade
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete

Did you really pack us a lunch? That's so thoughtful, Fabian. )


Who: Fabian Prewett and Caradoc Dearborn
What: Feeling guilty
When: 15 May 1980
Where: Fabian's flat
Rating: Let's call it PG-13 for dark unhappiness
Status: Complete

Drink up. )

May. 15th, 2010


Who: Bree & Edgar Bones
What: Time alone
When: 15 May 1980, afternoon (backdated)
Where: Bones residence (Hogsmeade)
Rating: Probably will be low
Status: In Progress/Closed

So never mind the darkness, we can still find a way, 'cause nothing lasts forever, even cold November rain )


Who: Tristan and Emmeline Vance
What: News of the less-sad variety
When: 15 May 1980
Where: Tristan's office
Rating: PG
Status: Completed log

This was definitely a once in a blue moon sort of instance. )

May. 14th, 2010



Characters: Fabian Prewett, Gideon Prewett, Dori Smethwyk, Jack Smethwyk, Doc Dearborn, Felix Mulciber
Setting: Dori's radio station, around ten pm.
Plot: Things! Mwaha!

So! Some of you knew that some fun stuff was going down tonight. Well, here it is! The summary is behind the cut because five players and six characters is just too damned hard to log.

dun dun dun! )

And there you have it!

May. 13th, 2010


Who: Nona and Deci
When: Thursday evening
Where: Nona's flat, then fancy restaurant
Summary: Deci's birthday dinner
Rating: PG-13
Status: closed, incomplete

Happy Birthday to You! )


Owl Post

Parcel Owl for Miss Isobel Smythe )

May. 11th, 2010


LOG: Brandon Chambers and Annie Proudfoot

Placeholder. I assure you this will be written!


Who: Sturge and Annie
When: First thing Tuesday morning
Where: Training room
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Sturge and Annie need to talk.
Status: closed, complete, log

Congratulations? )


Owl to Devin Davis )

May. 10th, 2010


LOG: Brandon Chambers and Annie Proudfoot



LOG: Devin Davis and Barnabus Cuffe

Characters: Devin Davis, Barnabus Cuffe
Setting: Outside The Crup, a cafe in Diagon Alley near the Magical Menagerie. Monday, May 10th around 3 pm.
Plot: Devin gives Cuffe one shot at explaining what happened that fateful night.
Rating: PG/PG-13, but only for language. Dev says a bad word... once, maybe twice.

He'd said his piece, she had said hers, and now they were... civil? What more could a guy ask for from the woman he was fairly sure he was falling for? )

May. 8th, 2010


Who: Sturge, Em, and their respective kiddies (Oli, Lark, Lucy, and Seamus)
Where: Hyde Parke
When: Saturday morning. 10am
Rating: PG!
Summary: Sturge and Em have a play date for the kiddies
Status: Closed - Incomplete

It's not a DATE. It's a PLAY DATE )

May. 6th, 2010


LOG: Dori Meadowes and Jack Smethwyk

Plaaaaaaaaaaaaaceholder. Woot!


LOG: Devin Davis and Barnabus Cuffe

Characters: Devin Davis, Barnabus Cuffe
Setting: The Magical Menagerie, Thursday afternoon, May 6th
Plot: Cuffe is stupid. Devin says that's all the explanation that's necessary.
Rating: PG. Some swearing and all. Would that make it PG-13? I dunno.

The visit had not gone as he’d wanted, but exactly as he had expected. )

May. 4th, 2010


Daily Prophet, 4 May 1980 (morning edition)

Changes at the DMLE  )

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