Madness! A Harry Potter RPG! - October 25th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Madness! A Harry Potter RPG!

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October 25th, 2008

[Oct. 25th, 2008|12:16 pm]
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Who: Conall and Hannah.
What: Visiting a friend.
Where: The Leaky Cauldron; Diagon Alley.
When: Saturday Afternoon, 25th of October.
Status: In progress.

Read more... )
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I'm itching to capture those gorgeous blue eyes of yours on canvas. [Oct. 25th, 2008|07:04 pm]
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Who: Conall and Susan
What: Conall makes use of Susan's spare room.
Where: Susan's flat in London.
When: Sunday, 26th of October.
Status: Finished; Complete.

That, and the way those stray little strands of hair lay so sweetly across your forehead. )
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