It's All Too Much

May 20th, 2011

It's All Too Much


May 20th, 2011

It's All Too Much

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Time: Approx. 10 AM, 1962
Location: Abbey Road Studios

Rita Cumming's pulled her long brown hair back in a ponytail as she scribbled onto her notebook. She felt like she did not belong there anymore. Ringo has turned his back on her completely, and she frankly disappeared for a week. Excommunicated herself from them. Now she needed the extra cash, so Martin gave her the simple task of asking for her to answer fanmail.

"Gag me now," She muttered, picking up a piece of paper mocking in a nasally voice, "Dear Ringo, I love you so much! The way you sing "Boys" makes my heart melt! I would kindly like it if you would respond to me just once, I understand you're busy. Please, you're biggest fan, Clarence Richmault!"
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