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Fortunate Isles OOC

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[17 Oct 2009|12:20am]
Meet Morag Warrington nee MacDougal, former head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports, one of the last of the pureblood Scottish witches and too smart for her own good. She was married to Chance Warrington and he was the love of her life... but there were problems.

All shall be revealed.
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[17 Oct 2009|04:41pm]
So, Alex here with Oceane Lestrange, second oldest child of the Lestrange Siblings.

- She is shy, vain and prejudiced
- She adores her family
- She's a lesbian but only her girlfriend of thirty years knows. She died a few years ago
- She spent most of her life wandering the globe but spent a couple of months each year at home with her family
- She graduated from Slytherin in 1928
- She likes family, friends, wine, music, darkness, night time, ballroom dancing, being alone
- Her historical figure is Marie Antoinett
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[ viewing | October 17th, 2009 ]
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