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[19 Jul 2012|11:41pm]
[ mood | excited ]

Hey Hot Legs-y people, I'm Alex and I'm awesome. You should pretty much just use my official title of Alex the Awesome.

There are a few things you need to know about me before we proceed.

1. To acquire one of these is a goal.
2. Also, I need to do this ASAP. Beckster, get ready. You're doing it with me, but don't expect me to clean up after myself.
3. Golden Girls is the most important thing in the entire world. Watch a spectacular compilation and if you still don't like the Golden Girls, you have no business addressing me or living in general.
4. I'm not going to even pretend that I don't like this song like those bros.
5. I want this. I MAY forgive #3 if you get me this book and buy me lots and lots of Jameson. If you people don't get that that's Seal the singer, we are done professionally and all that.

And that's it. Love you all long time.

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