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[13 Jul 2012|06:36am]
Helloooo everybody! I'm Jasper and I am so excited to get to know everybody better! I will try to make a point to say hi to everybody I can in person today, so if you see me (I'm the guy with the super big grin!) don't be afraid to give a huge wave. Or a high five! I love high fives! I've got a little sister here, Phoebe, and you should go ahead and give her a whole lot of high fives as well!

Did you know that approximately 200,000 camels roam Australia’s deserts, representing the largest herd of wild camels on Earth? Imagine all of those camels just strutting around the desert? And could you imagine having those camels here on this island? Do you think they'd want to stay in the guest rooms? Haha! They'd make such a mess, dragging that sand everywhere they went!
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[13 Jul 2012|06:54am]
I'm Kyle. I'm a nurse practitioner. I like the Yankees, running, and being awesome. I will probably abhor a good portion of you and if people's possessions say anything, which they clearly do, I'm going to have a fucking field day with this roommate of mine, whoever she may be. If you scrape your knee, get yourself a bandaid. If you see bone jutting out through your skin, by all means, come down to the medical center. If you have the sniffles, drink some damn tea and take a multi-vitamin. If you're coughing up blood, maybe come see me. As you can see, I have little tolerance for hypochondriacs. If you're actually sick and ailing, I would be happy to help you. If not, use common sense, I beg of you.

Yeah, so. Let's have a drink.
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[13 Jul 2012|06:54am]
Who: Kyle and Jacob
When: Friday afternoon
Where: Staff apartments
What: When exes collide...

Australia was a breath of fresh air... )
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[13 Jul 2012|06:59am]
Riiiight... so here's my obligatory attempt at trying this out.

I'm Cole. I'm a fitness instructor. So, probably, in most of your minds, I'm this guy:

funny gifs

Um, I teach kickboxing twice a week and I'm also available for personal training by appointment.

...this sounds a lot more like an ad than an introduction.

When I'm not working, I'm usually working out. On the beach, preferably. Or reading in my room.
What's the last really good book you've read?
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