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Island Descant

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Hello all you little people [04 Jan 2014|09:48am]
Tereesa here. I'd like to introduce you to Karen Walker, from TV's Will and Grace.

Karen is a booze guzzling, pill popping, member of high society. She is used to vast wealth (provided by her husband), and would sooner slit her own throat than wear a poly-blend. She is rude, crass, selfish, and has no concept of social boundaries. She simply says things as she sees them. She considers herself emotionless, despite any minor setbacks in that area along the way. Chances are she just forgot to take one of her mood enhancing pills at the time.

She had already booked a trip to a tropical island, though naturally not this island, so even though she can't recall actually traveling, packing, or anything else that goes with a long trip, it is going to take her a bit to figure out things aren't quite what they should be.

Without further ado, bring on the plots!

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