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HELLO PUNY MORTALS [13 Feb 2013|01:33pm]

Ahem. Anyway. Hi! I'm Cary and this is my critter for the game. Death from Discworld. Also known as Bill Door. Yes, he usually is a walking skeleton. However! Unless he decides differently, most mortals see him as a tall, thin man with black hair and a beard (that would be Bill). Children, supernatural beings and cats can see his true form all the time.

Death is very curious about mortals and is eager to meet as many as possible. He thinks this island is quite wonderful for doing that. He wants to play with everyone!

What else about him should you know? He has trouble seeing beings that cannot die, so things could be interesting with a certain angel and devil-type guy. Death has his pale horse, Binky, with him and sometimes Death of Rats can be seen with him. (yep, that would be a rat skeleton in a black robe with a rat-sized scythe). He can walk through walls.

And he speaks in all capital letters. More like sends his words into your head in all caps, since skeletons don't have the necessary equipment for actual speech.

Death/Bill is looking forward to meeting everyone! I think his meeting River Song would be very interesting.

[ viewing | February 13th, 2013 ]
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