Irreparable RPG OOC

February 12th, 2010

Irreparable RPG OOC


February 12th, 2010


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Yes, yes, I'm a horribly horribly person for not doing this earlier. Sorry 'bout that. So! I'm Libby...yadda yadda, enough about me. Got two characters for you so far!

Theodore Nott is a son of a former Death Eater who is so reserved that no one's ever really entierly sure where he stands on anything. It's a trick he learned from his father, and it's how they both stayed out of prison these past five years, because underneath the polite and genial exterior they're both Not Nice People. Not that anyone would know it to look at them. Since the end of the way Nott Sr has been quite an active philanthropist and Theo has joined the Healer staff at St Mungos. He's almost a full-fledged Healer, and plans to stick around at St Mungos after he is one. If he has his way he'll be running the place in 10-15 years.

Ron Weasley is...well, Ron. Everyone knows Ron. He's an auror with the Ministry and joined up right after the war ended. He's got his own flat and an on-again, off-again relationship with Hermione that's currently in the 'on' phase. He's friendly and funny and only moderately more mature than he was in school. (Out of habit, I play the aurors like they're a military unit, and I was/am in the army. And it's hard to be mature in the army. We didn't invent the fart joke, but we perfected it.)

So! Friends, enemies, frienemies?
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