Irreparable RPG

February 26th, 2011

February 26th, 2011

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WHO: Jack Sloper and OTA
WHAT: Jack has Brody today
WHERE: At the park
WHEN: Saturday Afternoon

It was cold, but for February it wasn't bad )

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who: Daphne and Dean
what: talking?
where: Dean's
when: Saturday afternoon
rating: TBD

She hadn't seen Dean's owl until after she woke up. )

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owl to Astoria Greengrass )

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who: The Greengrass sisters
what: coffee and talking
where: Baxter's Bakery
when: 4PM, Saturday
rating: lowish?

Daphne smiled at herself, pleased by her restraint. )

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WHO: Seamus Finnigan and Dean Thomas
WHAT: Breakin' up is hard to dooo Getting something greasy to eat
WHEN: (Late evening) Saturday, February 26th
WHERE: Leaky Cauldron, then TBA

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Who: Audrey, open to George, Harry and Ginny
When: Saturday Night
Where: Kitchen, Potter Household
What: Preparing to leave (ie. cleaning after herself)

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