The IronMan Seven

September 19th, 2007

September 19th, 2007

Fullmetal Alchemist (Ross, Armstrong, Hawkeye/Ross) [week 5, prompt 1]

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Title: The Four Escape Attempts of Lieutenant Maria Ross, or: Secret Armstrong Family Technique
Author: Sister Coyote
Rating: Worksafe
Length: 500 words

The Four Escape Attempts of Lieutenant Maria Ross, or: Secret Armstrong Family Technique )

Suikoden V (Dragon Cavalry) [week 5, prompt 7]

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Title: Gorgeous Morning
Author: Laylah
Rating: worksafe
Word Count: 200
Summary: The sun's shining, the air's warming up enough that it'll be a great day for training in the Feitas, and last night he had some of the best damn sex he can remember.

Gorgeous Morning )

Weiß Kreuz (Weiß) [Week 5 - Prompt 5]

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Title: Hair Today
Author: [info]trio
Rating: G
Warnings: humor
Word Count: 154
Summary: Someone's up to something in the Koneko.

The trouble began one Wednesday morning. )

Pirates of the Caribbean (Jack Sparrow) [week 5, Prompt 1]

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Title: Necessity is…
Author: purple_alicorn
Rating: FR14
Warnings: crack, Jack Sparrow
Word Count: 254
Author's Notes: In honor of speak like a pirate day

“Jack )

Firefly (River, cast) [week 5 - prompt 3]

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Title: Spinning Clay
Author: Cadence
Rating: G
Word Count: 200
Summary: "This ship is like a potter's wheel," River announced.

Spinning Clay )

prince of tennis (Tezuka/Fuji) [week 5 - prompt 1]

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Title: The Game
Author: [info]ketchupblood
Rating: PG
Warnings: Crack, overuse of parenthesis
Word Count: ~1,100
Summary: Tezuka and Fuji play a little game to see who confesses first and/or better (depending on Fuji, of course)
Author's Notes: Umm....

Tezuka had known from the moment that Fuji had suggested the game that it was going to be a Very Bad Idea  )

Tales of the Abyss (Gen) [Week 5, Prompt 5]

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Title: Fishy
Author: [info]lanerose
Rating: PG
Word Count: ~200
Summary: In which there are two kinds of fish

Fishy )
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