The IronMan Seven

September 8th, 2007



September 8th, 2007

Prince of Tennis (Tezuka/Fuji) [week 3 - prompt 4]

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Title: Habitual
Author: [info]ketchupblood
Rating: PG
Warnings: Slash, fluff, CHEESE
Word Count: ~2,500
Summary: A day in their lives.
Author's Notes: I made a fluff! I'm very proud of me.

Tezuka mostly just liked listening to the musical lilt of Fuji when he talked and Fuji just liked knowing that Tezuka talked more to him than to anyone else )

Ouran High School Host Club (Kyouya/Tamaki) [Week 3 - Prompt 4]

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Title: Moment
Author: [info]trio
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Word Count: 195
Summary: Kyouya helps Tamaki with his costume and reflects

My hands linger as I help him with his costume... )

Numb3rs (David/Colby) [Week 3 - Prompt 5]

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Title: Don't Let Go
Author: andwhenwespeak
Rating: R
Word Count: 193
Summary: It's not supposed to be like this.

cut )

Prince of Tennis (Tezuka/Fuji) [week 3 - prompt 1]

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Title: Our Lives
Author: [info]ketchupblood
Rating: PG
Warnings: Slash, boys getting old
Word Count: 1,400
Summary: Tezuka and Fuji get old together. Almost exactly like Habitual, and completely on accident too...
Author's Notes: Fluff! YES! I'm getting better at this!

Yuuta had given his blessings with a gruff 'Just wait until you're old and can't stand the sight of each other, Aniki' which Fuji took to mean 'I'm glad you're happy now.' )

Bleach (Yoruichi/Soi Fong) [week 3 - prompt 1]

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Title: Shaken
Author: Cadence
Rating: PG
Word Count: 200
Summary: Soi fong feels shaky, her emotional armor feels full of holes.

Shaken )

Angelic Layer (Ichiro/Shuuko) [Week 3, Prompt 5]

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Title: Thump
Author: [info]lanerose
Rating: PG
Word Count: 325
Summary: Ichiro and Shuuko have work to do.

Thump )

Final Fantasy XII (Drace/Gabranth) [week 3, prompt 4]

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Title: Battlefield
Author: Sister Coyote
Rating: Not worksafe/adult content
Word Count: 500
Summary: She is what she has made herself to be, through sweat and work; it is more impressive, even, than had she done it somehow by magic.

Battlefield )
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