The IronMan Seven

August 28th, 2007

August 28th, 2007

Prince of Tennis ( Tezuka/Fuji ) [ week 2 - prompt 5 ]

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Title: Model
Author: [info]ketchupblood
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Slashy pr0n (better than regular pr0n!)
Word Count: ~2,300
Summary: Tezuka has to deal with perhaps the most troublesome photographer known to man and Fuji has to deal with the most incompetent model. But they manage, of course.

So Tezuka was forced somehow, by some freak accident of nature, to ask for a ride from Fuji. )

Suikoden V (Rania/Rahal) [week 2, prompt 3]

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Title: Listening
Author: Laylah
Rating: not worksafe! ^^
Word Count: 200
Summary: Rahal is quiet when he touches himself, but nobody in Sauronix can hear like Rania.

Listening )

Princess Bride (Westley/Buttercup) [week - prompt 6]

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Title: What movie doesn’t tell you…
Author: purple_alicorn
Rating: FR21
Warnings: het, mushy
Word Count: (optional) 644
Author's Notes: Set after the movie, slightly tongue in cheek

”What )

Phoenix Wright/Nick/Edgeworth [Week 2/Prompt 2]

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Title: Turnabout Firsts
Author: Susan/[info]scriptoria
Rating: R
Word Count: 163
Characters: Nick/Edgeworth
Notes: This week is going to KILL ME DEAD. Smut is NOT something I can write without agonising over it for at least a week, and then deleting all but a sentence. By which I mean, hi! I'm going to be crazy by the end of the week, how bout you?

Their first kiss had been a disaster. )

Weiß Kreuz (Yoji/Ken) [Week 2, Prompt 2]

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Title: Burning Desperation
Author: [info]trio
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Masturbation, sex, male/male
Word Count: 558
Summary: Ken's desperate for Yoji's touch.

Read more... )

Digital Devil Saga (Heat/Seraph) [week 2, prompt 2]

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Title: Everything There Ever Was
Author: Sister Coyote
Rating: Not worksafe/adult.
Word Count: 500
Warnings: Serious spoilers through the end of DDS2.
Summary: "I don't know what to make of you," Heat said.

Everything There Ever Was )
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