Cloud Strife x Kadaj - December 24th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Cloud Strife x Kadaj

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December 24th, 2007

[Dec. 24th, 2007|09:32 am]

For the holidays, i bring fluff:

Title: By the window
Fandom: FF7
Author: Gothatheartholo
Pairing: Cloud/Kadaj [established]
Rating/Warning: PG13 for shonen ai and my version of fluff. May or may not be "incest", depending on your point of view.
Disclaimer: SE pwns.
Summary: Oh, the irony. <-- link
A/n: This is au-ish ac in that Kadaj didn’t “die” in here. I wanted to explore something else with that couple and write fluff. Yes, I was in a fluffy mood. Shh. For the confusion challenge: Purity.

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