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Activity Check [21 Mar 2014|10:24pm]

This isn't a regular activity check. I (Lucy!mod) am well aware that I've been pretty damn inactive. So, this activity check is purely to gauge interest. So, without further ado:

If you are still here, and willing/able to play, please indicate in a comment here. This post will stay up for one calendar week - until Friday the 28th of March at 0525hrs (because of Lucy!mod's time zone). Anyone who has not commented to this post in that time will be removed from the game.

hello hello! [20 Mar 2014|08:04pm]

Hi everyone! Coming to you straight from the mod journal is your new co-mod, who is the rockingest rocker to ever rock. Not to brag or anything.


Hi y'all! My name is Brandi, and I saw Lucy's plea in [info]rp_tutorials for a new co-mod, and after checking out this game, I decided that it looked far to awesome to die, so I thought I would break out my mod hat for the first time in a few years and hop on board to lend Lucy a hand in getting this game back on its feet.

You can find me in CDJlandia at [info]zombiephile, on AIM (if I'm signed in, that means I'm available enough to respond) at brandied plum, on Skype (I'm signed in there 24/7, regardless of availability, so responses there may be delayed) at brandiedplum, and via e-mail (which goes to my phone, which is always on me) at so don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or anything.

I'm working on a character to bring into the game, but in the interim before she's done, I'll still be available for any admin needs. Seriously, I don't bite (unless that's what you're in to ...), so hit me up for anything. :)

More about me and my availability: I'm 30, married to an IT genius, mostly-stay-at-home mom to the most awesome year-and-a-half-old toddler in the universe, and sometimes-amazing housewife. I live in Texas, so all upcoming-mentioned times are Central. Generally speaking, I can get computer time in durings times when my son is asleep and I'm awake, which tends to amount to during his naptime (early-mid afternoon) and between when he goes to bed and when I do (roughly 7:30 pm-9:00 pm), but I do at least occasionally have to do housework during those times, too. I'll try to remember to start signing into AIM when I'm actually on the computer. But pretty much any time that my son is up and ignoring me, I can respond to Skype messages and/or e-mails.

NOW. Even if you've been skimming everything else, here's my first Modly Duty Of Modliness. Lucy has asked me to put my pimp master skillz to use by advertising the game all over the place. So I'll be creating an ad to post around, but one of the major draws to get new people into a game is CONNECTIONS. So what I need from y'all is characters that your characters would LOVE to see in the game. Relatives, coworkers, whatever. If you want them, let me know so I can put them in their slutty slutty clothes and throw them out on the street to reel some people in, yeah? This is my Modly Decree.

I'm excited, y'all! :D

Heh. Oops? [03 Mar 2014|09:53pm]

Er, hey all. Sorry for disappearing like that. Between being sick, a sudden influx of work, and several doctor's appointments...yeah, I haven't really been on top of the rp thing. But I'm still up for playing if anyone's interested. Just drop me a line and we can suss things out. :)

[26 Feb 2014|11:04am]

Looks like things have slowed down a bit. :(

Anyone want to do a thread or log? Hit me up!

Hello Everyone! [17 Feb 2014|08:27pm]

Hello everyone, I am B. I am the person who plays with Zen Shinobu. While in the United States he goes by Zen, in Japan he is Arashi but he won't introduce himself as such. Arashi is a professional barista and bartender. He owns the Yin/Yang Coffee and Bar among other things. Arashi is a father to a 3 year old daughter.

Poor Arashi is a widower but confused about his sexuality. He also has a bit more of a past than most. His secret, he's the child of a yakuza boss and occasional blackmailer. Escaping that life was his goal when he moved to the Lakes and he works hard to be friendly and charming. Don't let the charm fool you though, crossing him has consequences.

You can learn more about his background in his bio.

If you would like to contact me or have any ideas just leave a message or AIM me at swirlyfishcakes. I also respond to emails quickly as well. I am bgreenwivy on both yahoo and gmail so take your pick.

Mod Post #1 [18 Feb 2014|01:46pm]

Hey everyone!

We're gearing up for the beginning of play, and it's great to see everyone getting to know each other over in the OOC comm. Good work! There are a few pieces of housekeeping that need to be taken care of:
  • Can everyone please check the following pages? I've checked myself multiple times, but I'm only human and I'm bound to have missed something. Please let me know if I have! I will get better at this, but because I've had about seven to add all at once, I'm worried that I may have borked something somewhere.
    • the Taken page - does the photo that I've chosen work for your character?
    • the Secrets page - does your character's secret correctly link to his/her bio?
    • the Map - if you've picked out a lot, does that lot link to your character's bio? If you haven't picked out a lot, please do so now!
    • the Businesses page - if your character works inside the walls, is their business listed/are they listed under the correct business? There are still empty storefronts able to be claimed, so if your character wants to open a business inside the walls, contact the mods.
    • the Schools page - if your character has children, are they correctly placed and do they link back to your character's bio?
    • the OOC Contact page - have I got your details right? Have I remembered to add you in the first place?

  • Regarding ID cards, I'm sure everyone's figured that system out by now. High schoolers get blue cards, high school grads get a yellow card, and adults - from their 21st birthday on - get a green card. Let me know if you don't like the photo I've used for your character's card, and also if any of the details are wrong. These cards work best as a separate entry.
  • I'm sure you've all read the Rules so I won't insult you by asking you to go and cast your eye over them, but the FAQ has been updated as recently as last night to reflect some changes to the schools inside the walls, so you can check that out if you're inclined.
  • Wanted Characters? If you'd like to advertise for lines, here's a page where you can do that.
  • Don't forget to request to join the two communities!
  • Finally, and here's the real reason for this post, please run the Friend All button, which has been updated to include all current characters. If you cannot see this, then I've likely forgotten to friend you with the mod journal, so drop me a line and I'll fix that right away.

Thanks for your cooperation! Given that this is a new game, there are bound to be some teething problems so if you've got any issues, please bring them to our attention so we can iron out the kinks as quickly as possible. Have fun! And don't forget to guard those secrets... ;)

Look alive, sunshine! [17 Feb 2014|06:46pm]

Hello all! I'm Shi, and this gem of a fellow is Agostino Cipriano (though he much prefers Auggie). He's not a native to The Lakes, but he's been living in town since last May. His mother lived in The Lakes for about five years before that; Auggie inherited and moved into her house when she died. He's still not over her death.

Auggie's a little rough around the edges, but charming to most folks. It's just easier that way. He's also an ex-con (shhh, don't tell anyone), still little bit of a crook, and sometimes drunk. But he makes some wicked hash browns and pancakes at the Morningside Diner, and if you're character has been by there, they've seen him. You can find all of Auggie's dirty details here.

I'm generally on AIM (tshirtandcape) between 5PM-12AM EST, but I'm available by email (thirstandcape [at] gmail [dot] com)whenever. Feel free to hit me up for plot of any flavor! :)

[17 Feb 2014|04:20pm]

Heya. I'm Fade, and I bring you Miguel Zavala. I can be reached easiest by email ( or by my dropbox. While I do have IM, I'm barely ever on it because my internet doesn't like it. Miguel's fairly quiet, his dog is about to have puppies (he has no) idea), and he works as an explosive ordnance technician for a private security firm. Oh, and he's clinically depressed. Which wouldn't normally be hazardous to his neighbors, but Miguel has the quirk of obsessively making bombs and booby-trapping his house when he's having an episode.

So. Yeah. Don't go into the basement. There's a reason he's missing a few fingers.

Hit me up for plots! I'm looking forward to writing with everyone :)

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