Inspired Muses

January 29th, 2009

Muses that are Inspired


January 29th, 2009

1.1 Talk about the worst lie you've ever told.

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I don't lie. No, that's not a lie, I really don't! See, Joker sort of opened up my eyes and made me see that the truth is something everyone needs to see and to tell. Lies are BAD NEWS.


Okay, so I sort of slept my way through college and lied about that, but it was for a good reason! I had to get into Arkham, and the only way to do that would be to sleep my way in. My grades just weren't cutting it at all, and with a hot bod like this, you might as well use it to get what you want, right? Small lie, so it doesn't count. Plus it brought me closer to my sweetie, so there's that, too!


Okay, so I sort of lie. But only when it's funny! Like when I have a gun aimed at someone and I tell them they have five seconds to live when they really have only one? See, I'm trying to make a point. Joker taught me that, too! It's only a teeny lie, ANYWAY, and the person winds up dead either way, so it shouldn't count.

Oh, I guess I lied about my feelings for Joker when I was still just a doc back at Arkham.

Hmm. I lied to Commissioner Gordon when I said that I wasn't mad at him, because I WAS, because he was part of that whole group that put Joker away.

I lied when I said I wouldn't kill the Batman. (Sorry, sweetie! I know you probably don't think I'd do it, but I would as a Valentine's Gift! He was so mean to you!)

Fine, I sort of lie, but none of it should count. I'm not clinically sane ANYWAY.

Muse: Dr. Harleen Quinzel/Harley Quinn
Fandom: Batman
Word Count: 293
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