Inspired Muses

January 27th, 2009

Muses that are Inspired


January 27th, 2009


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Prompts this first time will be Serious, Funny & Quotable:

1) Talk about the worst lie you've ever told. [Your muse can lock their post or it can be assumed that all responses to this are locked]

2) What five things do you find most annoying about the opposite sex?

3) "There's no place like home!" - The Wizard of Oz

If you would, please, put the number of the prompt you do in the subject line of your post? Thank you!

Set 1: Prompt 3 - "There's no place like home!" - The Wizard of Oz

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There is no place like home, really. But, well, I think, that people's definitions of 'home' differ. My own is wherever my wife is. We have lived in many places, from other worlds to other dimensions. And no matter where we have been, by her side has always been the place I have felt most comfortable.

My first home, the place I was born and grew up, was a place that I hated, and that I left as soon as I could, even if that leaving started on accident. I am not a fan of, nor fond of, small towns, and the one I lived in was one of the worst I have known.

Home should be a place you can be yourself, and feel comfortable and wanted. You should be able to stretch there, and find yourself, and know that no matter who you are, you will be accepted. You should be loved, and respected as well. That is home to me.

Whatever home is to each person, it is the solitary center of the heart. It is the place and the possessor of a unique spot there, and to me, that is a good thing. I go to my wife and know I am loved, know I am where I am happiest, know I am alive.

When I get there, to her, wherever she is... I am home.

Alex Rogan
The Last Starfighter
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