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Wednesday, December 17th, 2008

    Time Event
    A quote for the writers
    Reach down to that place near your stomach where you carry the loose change you received after paying life's emotional toll -- ghosts of joy, pain, disappointment, love, hate, loss, pride, satisfaction.

    Burrow into your skin with two fingers until you find the end of the string that hides just under the surface of your flesh. It's there, trust me. Start pulling it out. Look at it as you draw it forth, length by length. Own it. It's bloody, befouled, and there's no goddamned end to it. There's a stinking heap of it collected around your feet before you realize that you're unraveling yourself.

    Now -- show it to everyone else who's interested.

    That is what it is to write a good novel.

    --Paul S. Kemp

    Current Mood: creative

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