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Friday, September 14th, 2007

    Time Event
    Some of my inspirations
    -People watching
    -Nature watching
    -Listening to music
    -Talking to imaginary other characters, roleplaying as my protagonist (only when other people aren't watching or listening, of course)
    -Drifting off to sleep (yes, I'm serious! this is why I sleep with my laptop and, before that, a pad of paper!)
    -Driving anywhere (I would have said traveling, but due to financial constraints, this hardly happens anymore)
    -Discussions with others about their lives, past and present
    -TV documentary channels such as the various Discovery channels and the History Channel. PBS is also a great source. How Things Are Made, Dirty Jobs, Medical Detectives (only if you aren't easily creeped out), History of Sex, Plastic Surgery Before and After (only if you aren't squeamish), Runway Moms, and Animal Rescue (very hard to watch if you love animals, except if you keep in mind that most of the animals get help and get better, happy homes) are shows I recommend.

    Current Mood: contemplative
    Current Music: EYE97 on iTunes Radio

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