January 24th, 2012

[info]pemberley in [info]insane_layouts

Live Preview:

Static Preview

Live Example, non scrollable entries: [info]fireworks_2 & [info]lace_and_cream

Instructions )

[info]pemberley in [info]insane_layouts

Type: s1 Generator
Live Example: [info]stolenmoonlight

instructions )

[info]pemberley in [info]insane_layouts

Live Example: [info]goddessed

Instructions for Insanejournal )

Instructions for Livejournal )

[info]pemberley in [info]insane_layouts

Static Preview
Live Example: [info]lace_and_cream
Modified examples: [info]mrsbellariddle [info]pll_mods

The Code

-> Header is 600px wide and is 360px high.
Feel free to modify as you like, but leave credit in the code/profile etc thanks!

Instructions )

[info]pemberley in [info]insane_layouts

static preview
Live Example: [info]arcissa
Compatibility: Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari. Not tested in IE.
Type: s1 Generator

The Code

Instructions )

[info]pemberley in [info]insane_layouts

Static Preview: here (No tag/link list)
Live Preview: [info]abeautifulmind (with a tags list)

Code if you use a tags/links list

Code for no tag list

-> Header is 600px wide and is 259px high.
Feel free to modify as you like, but leave credit in the code/profile etc thanks!

Instructions )

[info]pemberley in [info]insane_layouts

Can you tell I'm in love with this base layout?

Static Preview
Live Preview: [info]toujourspur_psl


-> Feel free to modify as you like, but leave credit in the code/profile etc thanks!

Instructions )