Plainsite Studios is more than meets the eye. For one thing, it's owned and operated by a dragon. For another, it employs the single highest proportion of supernatural beings in LA.
Plainsite is a supernatural GPSL set in and around Plainsite Studios, a fictional movie/TV/music studio in Los Angeles. We may have only recently opened, but we're already going strong, with a great bunch of writers and a whole lot of character lines we'd love you to fill.
Character concept: Surfer Dude, Corporate Dropout - I'm thinking he was the one that got her (re)interested in surfing and maybe introduced her to some of the other 'new age-y' pursuits she enjoys today. Could be a past and possibly current lover.
Suggested PB: Any dude who looks like he could be a surfer and catch Leah's eye for being good enough to eat. Wanted for:Leah For more info, contact Strider:
☛ strider#9388 (discord)
☛ striderramses72 (gmail)
Character concept: A choreography assistant for SeaFin Studio.
Suggested PB: Megan Fox, or anyone that might fit the premise, gender is not an issue. Wanted for:Caspian For more info, contact Rae:
☛ theraeness#1928 (discord)
☛ theblackestvulture (gmail)
Character concept: Character is a writer of [The Next Big Thing] an extremely popular series of novels on the scale of Game Of Thrones or Lord Of The Rings that would allow the studios to crank out connected movies for the next decade. They'll all be wining and dining the author for them to sell the film rights to the works.
Suggested PB: Open For more info, contact the mods:
☛ strider#9388 (discord)
☛faithinthesound#3295 (discord)
☛ plainsitemods (gmail)
Character concept: Brash, ballsy, aggressive werewolf from the east coast. Complicated relationship with Brian, whom she turned (from antagonistic to loyal in a flat second). Could be a permanent character or visiting one.
Suggested PB: Open (female). Wanted for:Brian For more info, contact Kate:
☛ eyelinergirls#3216 (discord)
☛ girlsineyeliner (gmail)
Character concept: Old Comrade in Arms. This character served with Elliot during the Civil War, either as a fellow officer or a non-commissioned officer (some kind of Sergeant) under his command during the Civil War, and/or the Indian wars afterwards. They either were turned after he disappeared (vampire or wolf) or were born that way (incubus or wolf). He's someone he can talk to who he doesn't have to hide who he is and what he's been through, who knows what he's been through because they were there beside him.
Suggested PB: Open, but white male most realistic. Wanted for:Elliot For more info, contact Strider:
☛ strider#9388 (discord)
☛ striderramses72 (gmail)
Character concept: Personal Assistant; The one person Xahrrel listens to on the rare occasion. His handler, the person who takes care of his schedule, gets him motivated, and gets him out into the public eye. They take care of unwanted press and deal with the agency. This is someone that he trusts implicitly, that he's come to rely on for support. They seek out anyone the incubus wants to bed for the night on the rare occasion, or turn anyone away as the case may be. Zedd takes care of her, she has a room at his home in the West Hills if she wants it.
Suggested PB: Open Wanted for:Zedd For more info, contact Zee:
☛ alizadee#1348 (discord)
☛ zheemarie (gmail)
Character concept: Arm Candy; not necessarily someone he likes, but they play nice for the cameras. It's all a publicity stunt. The girl the public believes he's with, their PDA is almost predictable. The paparazzi love them, the bad boy and the sweetheart. They go their separate ways at the end of the night and both are happy to do so. She may or may not know what he is.
Suggested PB: Gigi Hadid, Perrie Edwards, Open (female) Wanted for:Zedd For more info, contact Zee:
☛ alizadee#1348 (discord)
☛ zheemarie (gmail)
Character concept: The 'Rubbish' Actor—This character is a failed low level actor who had a few guest star roles early on but hasn't been able to make it work since. They keep auditioning but lose out almost every time, getting just enough work to keep up the delusion that they can make it. The truth is they just aren't that good and can't see it themselves.
Suggested PB: Open For more info, contact the mods:
☛ strider#9388 (discord)
☛faithinthesound#3295 (discord)
☛ plainsitemods (gmail)
Character concept: 'Scumbag' Paparazzo: There's money to be made stalking celebrities and this guy is the king at it. He'll go to great lengths to get that photo, possibly including breaking the law if its juicy enough. Getting the shot is all that matters, and definitely not the safety or privacy of the celeb. He's not evil, just in it for the money and the celebs are putting themselves out there to be seen, right?
Suggested PB: Danny Devito comes to mind, but open to suggestions For more info, contact the mods:
☛ strider#9388 (discord)
☛faithinthesound#3295 (discord)
☛ plainsitemods (gmail)