June 23rd, 2015



[No Subject]


The past awaits you...

[info]emeraldislemod is a panfandom game taking place in the Ireland of long ago. There is no electricity, no running water, no large supermarkets from which to buy your food. You must buy it at the market in the city square, or grow it yourself.

The kitten you have found in a basket outside your door is also not a kitten at all - it is a Púca - a fae shapeshifter. Your Púca will guide you and help you along your way as long as you are kind to it - but if you treat it poorly you may be in for tricks and torment.

As you spend more time here, you will discover that the Púca are not the only magical creatures that exist. In fact, magic is stronger than ever in this place, and the nighttime can bring entrancement and danger - so it is best to try to be inside after dark.

Will you survive in this strange new environment? Will you fail? Will you thrive?

Join us and come see for yourself...
Premise // Characters Wanted
Mod Journal // Taken // Holds
Sorry, this game is 18+ only
If you have any questions, please contact sAmmii (the mod) at emeraldislemod@hotmail.com



[No Subject]

Helpful Links

School Information
Wanted Characters
Taken Characters
Think you can cut it as part of the Upper East Side elite. Join the students of New Amsterdam Academy. Where do you fit in? Are you the ambitious student on scholarship who knows that these schools are simply a funnel onto the Ivys? Are you the legacy student that can trace their lineage through the hallowed halls of both Livingston School for Boys and Wharton School for Girls? Are you a transplant from somewhere else? Are your parents lottery winners and you suddenly find yourself in a world you only dreamed of months before? Are your parents absent or hovering? Navigate the world of parties, academics, love, lust and extracurricular activities in New Amsterdam Academy.

New Amsterdam Academy is an original character high school game set in present day New York City.