February 22nd, 2013


[No Subject]


PLACE: Roman Empire. TIME: 2013 A.D.

bloodandsands is an AU all slash game, inspired by the tv show Spartacus (on Starz) but you don't have to watch the show to join!

The game is set in an alternate world in which Rome never fell. Today, in 2013, Roman Empire is the foremost power across Europe, and its territories extend into Africa and across the Atlantic to America. Canada and the US are one Roman province, divided into districts (our states). The Pax Romana maintains peace, although rebel movements are a constant threat to the Empire. Especially in one district, that of Arizona, there are rumors of a rebel army forming to fight the oppression and the slavery.

This game takes place in a fictional city of Chrysos. Here, your character can be a rich and powerful citizen, a slave owned by either the state or by one master, a prostitute at the brothel, a gladiator fighting for his life in the Chrysos arena, a rebel who lives to kill as many Romans as it takes to put an end to the slavery. There are so many choices.

Which side will you join?




Sidhe Queen and Fae Court for Bizarre City


Majestic, proud people, they are the Fae.

Supernatural creatures of varying castes, the most noble and prestigious are winged, but not all wings are created equal.

The Fae are in need of a Sidhe Queen and a Fae Court.

Backstory tie-ins:
Judgment & The Chaldean