March 8th, 2011



[No Subject]

The Land of Make Believe
Where anything is possible...

You open your eyes and you are in a stately room with fine trappings and thick stone walls. You look outside and a dragon flies passed your window and yet that is clearly a sprawling modern city you see in the distance. You search your room for any clue as to how you arrived in… where are you? All you find is a scroll welcoming you to The Make Believe Castle and to enjoy your stay in The Land of Make Believe. And that's when things get odd...

The Land of Make Believe is a panfandom RPG open to any character from any fandom.




Game Opens March 14th!


"Come, take a trip in my airship,
Come sail away to the stars,
We'll travel to Venus,
We'll sail away to Mars..."

It's Modern day and mutants aren't liked. They group themselves together for protection and for other less agreeable reasons. One such group has taken refuge on an airship. There, they can be themselves. They are soldiers of fortune, taking what they want and then escaping into the air. Of course, there are other means of wealth that are more honorable. They harvest lightning, and sell it to the humans on earth who have lost the capacity to do it for themselves. Will you join the crew of the King's Ransom, and seek your fortune?

Rules|FAQ|Premise|Ship Map
Guidelines|Character List|Holds|Application

About the Game

Game Rating: NC-17
Age Limits: 17+
Mutant Based (OC)
Slash/Smut Friendly

[No Subject]


The Collectors

The World
Available Characters
Current Cast
Wanted Characters

Most Needed Characters

Remus Lupin
Severus Snape
Ginny Weasley
Neville Longbottom
Daphne Greengrass
Blaise Zabini
Salazar Slytherin
Helena Ravenclaw
Rabastan Lestrange
Amycus Carrow
Death Eaters
Next Gen Children

And More!

Time and space are ultimate dividing forces that separate generations of witches and wizards, but soon that divide will be breached. There have been cracks before, but one wizard will wrench it open completely. Named the Collector, he sits in his own empty world that he controls and manipulates as he desires. However, there is an issue. It is empty, yet this will not last. No, the Collector shall soon start gathering his toys to fill the gaps. Through various points in human history, he is taking who he wishes. His motivations may be unclear, but somehow each of his toys will serve a purpose for his plans.

Once each of these ‘toys’ are collected, they will be confronted by the realities of their situation. Information of their future lives will greet a large majority of his subjects, and then, they must cope. They cannot leave and, will instead, have to adapt. However, adapting is not simple for their situation will not remain constant. The Collector will not just leave his toys alone, but will play with them as he desires.

Life in the Collector's Domain will keep transforming. One moment the place will appear like a desert, then a coastal town, and then, a tropical rainforest. However, all the while, the people cannot leave until He demands it. They will experience various trials and tribulations, some that seem almost playful (from the outsider), and others, much more sinister.

So, what will you do when the Collector calls on you? As one of his toys, how will you survive? How will you react when you have no information about your situation, except for a small note in a journal that falls from the sky and what you can learn from those who are suffering through the same thing?

Welcome to the Collectors!