October 4th, 2010


[No Subject]


Generation Boomer



A Next-Generation HP Game

Player Directory
Friending Button
They called the generation following the Second World War: The Baby Boomers. They were supposed to make the world a better place, and free from tyranny. However, like most things in this world no matter how hard you try, bad things happen. The Second War came and went, destroying just about everything in its path. Heroes rose, villains fell, sacrifices were made in the name of justice. Following the fall of the Dark Lord, and the Second War it was only natural that the trend from the past continue. Those who had survived carried on, to pass the torch down to their children, a new generation that seemed to spring out of the ashes.

This new generation, the Boomer Generation as they're now being called, was raised with the hope that they'd be able to create a new world, a better one, one that wouldn't fail into the habits of their parents generation. However, this can be said for both sides. For the children of the defeated have been growing with their own ideas to correct their sides own flaws, becoming more powerful everyday and the time is growing closer to unleashing their plan on the world...

Now Open! A ton of characters still available! Most Wanted: Cormac and Kane Rivers, Alice Smith, Luken White, Percival Zabini.


[No Subject]


In the spring of 1998 the trio were captured in Malfoy Manor where fate would dictate they escape with the assistance of Dobby the House Elf. However, fate did not go according to the plan. In the last second the elf was killed leaving the trio to the mercy of You Know Who. With Potter captured the path was clear to the Ministry and after numerous show trials, in July, the Death Eaters took over completely. It is a plot that could fit into many games, but there is one difference- it is not the Dark Lord that rules but a Dark Lady, there was not a boy who lived but a Girl Who Lived, the greatest Headmaster that lived was actually a Headmistress and it was her father’s love not her mother’s love that allowed the Girl Who Lived to survive.

Enter a world where the outcome of the war has not just been turned on its head, but every character’s gender.

Opened September 10

Most Wanted Characters- [Bellatrix] Lestrange, [Ron] Weasley, [Dolores] Umbridge, [Amycus] Carrow, [Fred] Weasley, [Luna] Lovegood, [Daphne] Greengrass, Male Characters in General, School Aged Characters (Ginny’s Year and Under), Those in the Ministry, DA Members (Harry’s Year and Above)

Premise Rules FAQ Timeline Ministry Decrees Occupations

Hogwarts Information Deceased Characters Available Characters Current Characters Wanted Characters Application



A Post-Warts, Non Deathly Hallows Compliant Game

By the spring of 1999 the Trio had collected and destroyed all six of the Horcruxes and they set out to find the Dark Lord hoping to end it once and for all. At the climax of the duel, Harry gained the upper hand and Voldemort, knowing he had seconds left, used his last lifeline: a time turner. With the fall of their Lord, the Death Eaters abandoned the battle and it appeared to the wizarding world that their greatest enemy had been defeated. Unknown to them, the time turner had brought Voldemort into 2002 where he was already gathering his followers and one more Horcrux still remained. Voldemort had unknowingly created another when he had killed Harry's parents and attempted to kill Harry. The newly shattered part of his soul was transferred into the infant when the Dark Lord cast the killing curse.

The New Year of 2003 would be marked with tragedy. The Dark Lord would announce his return at the Ministry’s Annual New Year’s Ball where innocents were attacked and dozens were slaughtered. In the aftermath of the battle, accusatory eyes turned to the once celebrated hero; Harry Potter. Overnight the news spread and people began to feel again the terror that had yet to fade completely. Over the next few months the Ministry worked around the clock to assure the people that this time wouldn’t be like the last; this time they should place their trust with the government and not in the hands of an adolescent hero. The Ministry’s demeanor became one of confidence. He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named had struck out twice already and this time the situation would be handled properly. Voldemort had other plans.

On June 23rd the Ministry of Magic fell. Trust and security was shattered when Voldemort and his army entered the Ministry building, having been given access from within. Death Eaters and dark creatures alike swarmed through the structure, destroying everything in their path; among the dead was found every member of the Wizengamot including the Minister of Magic himself. Once and for all the Dark Lord proved what he was capable of.

With their Headquarters in ruins, the Ministry has been forced to relocate and is scrambling to come to terms with their losses and what it meant for the future. Wizarding Britain looks to the future with little hope while the Trio desperately search for the missing piece, knowing that if the Dark Lord had returned that their mission had not yet been completed. Another Horcrux must still be in existence and destroying it is the only way to ensure their liberation.

More information here.

Game Opened Friday, July 23rd


[No Subject]




One decision changes everything.

Currently Cast
Wanted Characters
FAQ/Drop Box

The Concept

Choices. We make them every day. Yes or no. Left or right. Chinese food or pizza. Should I stay or should I go? We make them without even realizing it, and they have shaped and molded us into the people we are today.

But as long as there have been choices, there has been the nagging question: ”How would my life be if I had done just one thing differently?” We’ve all asked it. Even you. What if I had said yes instead of no? Went right instead of left? Had pizza instead of Chinese? The concept of “What if...” has been around for as long as anyone can remember, but it’s always been just that; a concept.

But what if it wasn’t anymore?

The Experiment

Dr. Joshua Ryson. You may not know his name, at least not now, but when you hear about his life’s work, you’ll never forget him. It was Ryson’s idea to do an experiment based off of the “What if ...” concept. First he created the place; a “town” called Utopia. But what was a town without citizens? So he brought in people. Not just average joe’s like you and me, though. He brought in characters from different types of media; video games, books, movies, tv, and altered their history, their memories. Dr. Ryson changed one decision that each of these people made, and sat back and watched how it affected their lives and the lives of those around them. Because your choices don’t just affect you. They affect everyone you know.

Of course, they have no idea what’s going on. They have no idea that anythings been changed; they just think that’s how their life has always been. They have no idea that they’re every move is being monitored, and recorded, for science.

The Explanation

This game takes your favorite characters from literature, cinema, television, and video games and lets you decide how their life turned out. Maybe they didn’t sleep with someone. Maybe they did. Maybe their lives were changed by the simple choice of where to eat breakfast. For example, if Lilly Kane never slept with Aaron Echolls, there would have been no sex tapes to find and Lilly would have lived. This means that no one who comes in from after her death would be aware she died. Please consider the ways other characters decisions from your fandom would affect your character when applying.

The decision must be one made by your character, weather conscious or not. Also keep in mind that your character will not be the only one affected by this decision. Everyone in their lives will be changed by this. Also, just because your character’s history has been rewritten, it will not change their overall personality, or their sexuality, so keep it canon.


[No Subject]


premise | rules | taken/held | apply

Veritas is a supernatural roleplay located in Juneau, Alaska which due to the presence of the Veritas Element has become a catalyst for supernatural activity. Supernatural creatures of all types are invariably drawn to the city of Juneau and congregate there, many oblivious to the presence of others.