June 14th, 2010


Vas Captio: Panfandom Social Experimentation Game

Vas Captio

Premise | Rules | FAQ
Application | Taken/Held/Banned | Wanted | Map

There's a forest. You're sure of that because, well, you woke up in it. Beyond that? Well, take a walk, look around. Sure, there's a town. A pretty big town, in fact. It has houses, a diner, even a little carnival just out on the edge. Yet, something isn't right. Look closer. There it is, the whole damned place looks like it's been wrapped in plastic and preserved since 1952. Right down to the phone booths asking for ten cents a call.

With luck, you didn't wander away without your little box. The management left it just for you after all, a little "survival kit" with an unfamiliar logo; two words in Latin: Vas Captio. The kit contains soggy matches, a packet of Tic Tacs, a pair of tube socks, a bottle of water, and a journal with a pen taped to it. Yes, you'll need all of that. Even the Tic Tacs.

Welcome to Vas Captio. You're on our time now, so sit back, try to relax, and just be yourself. That's why you're here, after all; we are very interested in studying you. But, then, you'll find that out soon enough on your own.

Vas Captio is a panfandom horror/survival game that is reopening Sunday, June 20 at 12AM EST. We are currently accepting character holds and applications. Be there for the beginning.


[No Subject]


A Sleeping World

What happens if there were people falling 'asleep' around you. They aren't truly asleep, closer to dead actually but they aren't. They are still alive, yet they are staying like that for years at a time.

You don't know why that is happening or who will be next?

Then the next thing you know you are 'asleep'. Your body is lying where you were but your spirit? It's in the realm of the dead, except your body lives. Here you meet people from different world, different universes but their stories of how they got there are just about the same as yours.

You find yourself completely healed of all your problems but you retain your special abilities and powers. Except you can't hold anything. Problematic for some, others not.

A Sleeping World is a panfandom game based on the Gaurdian Cycle books by Julia Gray. It is set to open on June 18.

The Mods The Game The OOC

Plot Rules Frequently Asked Questions Application Taken and Holds Contact Friends Button

[No Subject]


Manifest Destiny is a Marvel Comics-based AU set in the Dakotas during the days of the Wild West.

It is 1875. The United States is at a crossroads, still binding up the wounds of a country torn in two a decade before in the Civil War, while pushing westward in exploration with optimistic enthusiasm for its centennial celebration next year. After completion of the railway link back east and the discovery of gold in the Black Hills in 1874, the Dakota Territory has seen its share of boomtowns. One of these was named Marvel.

Dr. Charles Xavier, having opened a school and home for orphans after experiencing the horrors of war, has recently moved out west with students both old and new to provide an atmosphere less rigid than that of his ancestral home in New York. He dreams of giving these orphans an education and a fresh start where they can thrive and not be held back by their birth and their lack of economic opportunity. He's assisted by old pupils turned teachers, and his good friend Erik Lensherr, an immigrant who fled persecution in Eastern Europe. But where Xavier would ideally turn his orphans into gentlemen and ladies who can use their talents to improve society, Lensherr thinks that first his pupils must survive and grab an assured place in life before they can start improving it. Which man's philosophy influences any particular student's outlook and behavior more, who can say?

The law does its best to keep things in line. Colonel Nicholas Fury, hero of the famed Howling Commandos, keeps an Army garrison nearby at Fort Shield to help keep the peace in the area for major upheavals. For the day-to-day there's Steven Rogers and his posse of US Marshals, nicknamed the "Avengers" for their swift defense of justice, as well as the local sheriff and deputies. But it's still a rough and tumble atmosphere, with bandits and mercenaries alike.

Many people have been making their way out West in the expansion to Marvel and its surroundings to make a new life, whether to escape from home or the results of the war, or from boundless optimism: soldiers, immigrants, homesteaders, cowboys, gold miners, quacks, scientists, saloon girls, gunslingers, merchants, outlaws, and gamblers alike. It makes for a vibrant and sometimes volatile atmosphere, where just about anything can happen.

Game Opens July 5th, Holds and Apps Open Now!

Taken/Held Chars***Requested Chars***Game Application
FAQ***Rules***Mod Contact Box

Please PM the mod at [info]greenwater or use the drop box with any questions!

[No Subject]


[info]spymoria: In 2007, underachiever Chuck Bartowski downloaded "The Intersect" from an e-mail sent by CIA agent Bryce Larkin and his life changed forever as he was caught up in a world of spies and intrigue.

It is now 2010. The Ring has been defeated, and Chuck recently discovered his father's work doing covert operations outside of government authority. Faced with an entire room full of files and data, he recognized the need for resources. Realizing he had a good card to play, he turned again to the CIA and NSA. Out of gratitude for Chuck's invaluable assistance in taking down The Ring, General Diane Beckman of the NSA and Director Peter Marston of the CIA have approved what's now dubbed "Operation Orion".

Operation Orion is a black ops squad with ties to the official intelligence and espionage community, although the nature of their missions mean that its members utilize more unorthodox tactics and procedures than standard intelligence operatives. Its four core members are Chuck Bartowski, Sarah Walker, John Casey, and Morgan Grimes, though others have made themselves available as associates.

Operation Orion, now officially formed and ready to move after reviewing the intel, now faces its future as the hunters of the threats, foreign and domestic, identified and recorded by Stephen Bartowski. It's going to be a long ride ahead.

Current most wanted chars: Morgan, other agents

Taken/Holds***Requested Chars***Rules***FAQ

Read it over? Check out the application!

Please feel free to PM the mod at [info]nameoftheweek or use the in-game dropbox for any questions.

Game slated to begin July 12th.



[No Subject]


Present day Aiode Falls, Maine is home to many residents from all over the globe. And Universe.

The little college town is growing, and becoming home to more and more people all of the time. Some of them have no idea how they got there, and some of them can never go home. As the University gets darker with new arrivals harboring less than happy intentions, so does the city. It is now home to metahumans, vampires, humans, demons, ghosts, aliens and even celestial beings. All of them with defined morals (or none, for that matter) and each with an allegiance. Those without a chosen allegiance are considered fair game, as both sides subconsciously prepare.

There is a constant battle for good and evil in this town, and only one side can prevail.