August 8th, 2009



[No Subject]


Judaism and Christianity know her as Lilith, Adam's first wife who left Eden and lay with Asmodeus by the Red Sea where she gave birth to the demons and monsters of the world. When she was beckoned back to Eden by three angels, she refused, and as punishment, she was turned into a demon herself and the angels began to slay one hundred of her children every day she did not return. In her anguish, she proclaimed that she would destroy the sons of Adam, even their mothers in labor, and birth more demonic children to replace those she would lose, for even this fate was preferable to being enslaved by one she knew in her heart should be her equal. Most of her children, the Lilim, aren't aware of who they are exactly, or that she even exists, yet they still often execute her vengeance successfully. They warred with the Sons of Adam in the open for millennia, until their number decreased so drastically that the Lilim had to make the humans believe they had hunted them to extinction so the truth about their existence would fall into myth and legend.

In 2022, the elders of the Vampire species reveal the truth about their existence to humans, and they claim to seek peace with the leaders of Man. They say they wish to ease fears as they openly integrate with human society as fact, not fiction, something they have not attempted in centuries. However, acceptance into the United Nations is the least of their problems; after all, there is dissent among the Vampire people themselves. Some fight for equality, while others fight for superiority. The crime rate among vampire society has skyrocketed almost overnight. The number of active hunters has doubled as well. And amidst the trials humanity and vampires face together as they struggle to see each other with unprejudiced eyes, rulers of other supernatural races begin to fear that they too will soon be exposed because of the parts their peoples have played in Vampire history.

It is a time of great political and social change. Everyone’s future hinges on this era.

[info]darknocturne is a PB supernatural, socio-political RPG taking place in the year 2022, six months after vampires have revealed themselves to humankind. The direct descendants from Adam are predestined slayers who are often the focus of the Lilim's attacks, though they have never been the only humans hunted. The Lilim and the Sons of Adam are mortal enemies, whether they know the history of their bloodlines or not. Warring with each other is in their very life essence. We don't care if you play het, slash, or femme.

Oh, and we also have zombies.




The. Fruitful. Project.


Original Character. Arranged Marriage. 17 & up.

In 2010 global warming began to wreak havoc on earth and its inhabitants, becoming more and more dangerous with every year that passed. Natural disasters became so frequent and so severe that entire cities were leveled and countless lives were lost. To combat the devastation, in 2020 the scientists of the world joined forces to create a solution that ultimately began the slow demise of the entire human race.

By 2028 birth rates have dropped to basically nothing. For almost twenty years no children have been born on earth but in 2048 a solution was found and a new law put into place.

Every healthy, non-married person between the ages of nineteen and thirty are to be married, whether by choice or by Government selection. The couple will have a one year period at the most after their marriage to conceive.

Game will begin on August 15th

* The Fruitful Project is in no way possible affiliated with "The Eden Project" ([info]eden_project ) or "Neogenesis". The Fruitful Project is an independent game originally founded on November 2nd 2008 (original game). This is a revamped version, a reopening. The Fruitful Project has no prequels, sequels, or spin-offs. Similarities with any games that have come before it are purely coincidental.
play bys & holds
wanted characters & Lines

full plot
the world in 2049
the fruitful law
innovo, california

the fruitful project
fruitful ooc

profile code by: refuted



[No Subject]


Present day Aiode Falls, Maine is home to many residents from all over the globe. And Universe. The little college town is growing, and becoming home to more and more people all the time. Some of them have no idea how they came to arrive, and some can never go home. As the University gets darker with new arrivals harboring less than happy intentions, so does the city. It is now home to metahumans, vampires, humans, demons, ghosts, aliens and even celestial beings. All of them with defined morals (or none, for that matter) and each with an allegiance. Those without a chosen allegiance are considered fair game, as both sides subconsciously prepare.

There is a constant battle for good and evil in this town, and only one side can prevail.




OC/PB-only game!

The bitter wars of the past have finally ended and the Earth is left in ruins. Crime and pollution have taken over on a scale unlike any previously seen before. The streets are unsafe. The struggles of the US government and the newly established Council for the Good of Humanity are not in vain however, and with the help of a few pieces of controversial legislation, the ban on the Power Rangers is lifted in 2044. Immediately, US funds are put toward Project PR, the restoration and re-integration of Rangers into the states. In the summer of 2047, a central training base is opened North of Angel Grove, CA. It expands quickly, completed with a two year training school, full campus and communal living accommodations. The privately owned grounds are soon after opened to the youth of America in hopes that the legacy of the Rangers might be reborn. A decision is made to form teams for every major city in the US, an effort that - while ambitious - is put underway immediately. Flash forward to 2053; eight years have passed since the opening of the PPR Academy and the world seems to be on it's way toward recovery. Talented new Rangers, wisened professors and eager youth are helping to carve out a better America, one city at a time. This is the start of a new era, the age of peace and the time of the modern Power Ranger.

However, with every bit of light, there is an equal amount of darkness; the struggle between good and evil begins again. Which side will you choose?
This is not your child's Power Rangers, nor is this entirely what you may recall from your childhood. While the basics of the game have been drawn from the original television show, Back To Action! is what the show would have been if it had been produced for an adult audience. There will be intense violence, heavy political plots and even sexual content. This is the HBO version of Power Rangers, spiced up and made into a serious action-drama. This game is for original characters only and is open for a ton of character growth. Get involved in what will be a huge overall plot, many small story arcs in between and plenty of action! We are slash, femmeslash and het friendly. Adds are done the moment an application is approved!
Drop Box | Rules | Cast | Premise & FAQ
Held & Wanted | Locations | Uniforms & Weapons
Ranger App | Student App | Professor App | Villain App
Classes * | Contact List * | Advertisements *

[No Subject]


Welcome to the Nameless city, the cornerstone of the universe where all manner people of meet, live, love, laugh, cry and die. It is a modern city, similar to any seen in the 21st century with skyscrapers, metro systems, companies, homes, schools, and most important of all, people.


Nameless city is a panfandom rpg set in a fictional city called Nameless. As stated above, it is the corner stone of the universe. Literally, it exists in every fandom universe and connects them all together. If your character is from is from futuristic world, Nameless might be considered a quaint old fashioned city; if your character is from the past then Nameless would be consider a great advanced metropolis; and if they’re from the present, it’s just like any other city with a bunch of freaks in it.

But how did your character come to this city? That depends on whether they’re alive or dead in their home universe. If they’re alive, they chose to come here for a reason, a reason that is up to you. Did they just want to get away from their old world? Did they need to start again? Did they get a new job? Or did they just feel like a change of scenery? It’s up to you.

Now, if the character is dead that’s a different matter. They arrived in Nameless shortly after they died and woke up in an apartment building nicknamed the Crypt. How they came to be there and who is responsible is a mystery. The only thing these characters have been told is that they’ve been given a second chance and that the next time they die, they stay dead.

Want to know more? Then check out the following links.


| Rules | FAQ | Taken | Holds | Wanted | Setting & Residences | Application |
|[info]thenamelesscity | [info]nameless_ooc | [info]namelessmod|

- Profile Info by NuttyMusings -

Game opens on August 17 or once we have 10 characters.