April 22nd, 2009


AThinBlackLine, a Gladiator X-men game


Welcome to Revolve
We are a small, very active community looking for talented writers! The setting is dark and we encourage characters to push their limits, fight the system or even crack under the pressure. Enthusiastic mods, lots of canons open, OCs and humans are more than welcome and only limited comic book knowledge is needed.

[No Subject]


Sometimes when I'm alone, I hear the Piper calling...

Deep in the woods where no one goes there is a village like none other; it is a place where the houses are made of gingerbread and the trees are full of birds singing to the dawn of each day. And just beyond the giggling stream, there rests a dark castle. This is a world full of witches and their craft…where fairy tales come to life, and where those who enter never return home.

It is here the Pied Piper waits, king and jack of all trades. His hall is filled with the laughter of stolen children; fairy tales run rampant and free. Brings a whole new meaning to happily ever after...

...Now from whence I came there is no return
Premise // Rules // FAQ
Taken Characters // Unique Talents // Additional Info
Mod Journal // IC Journal // OOC Journal


[No Subject]


userinfo by angelalpev

Neo Genesis.A mutation of the HIV virus has left the global population infertile. Panic abounds. Extremist governments have come to power in most countries - including the United States. But there is a cure. The United States government announces a treatment that can restore fertility among its people. However, it comes at a cost. Legislation has passed, effectively listing all unmarried individuals aged 16 to 50 in a pairing lottery with the intent to form heteronormative families.

All matched couples are sent into their forced cohabitation and required to spend time together in government sanctioned matrimony. Once a month they are required to undergo the fertility treatment, and expected to produce children. Failure for one or both spouses to comply will result in imprisonment in the infamous Adjustment Centers until they do.

People have died. Others have simply disappeared. In Seattle, the government rules with an iron fist through the power of its two puppet organizations: the Pairing Office and the Adjustment Center. Fledgling anti-governmental organizations are becoming more daring, but their efforts to overthrow the powers that be still waver in the face of a complacent public opinion and lingering panic.

Which side will you choose?

Timeline FAQ Rules
Lottery Taken Wanted Application
Neo Genesis is an arranged marriage RPG set in a universe parallel to our own. We are a plot-driven group with an emphasis on politics as much as interpersonal relationships. We have been active and thriving for more than three months. We welcome all characters and storylines within the realm of reason. An interest in storytelling and RPing gray-area plots is encouraged.




rules | application | the mods
characters | wanted characters | hold a character
frequently asked questions for the concerned american citizen


You wake up to the smell of smoke.

In the year 2008, a virus swept North America. Ever vigilant for a pandemic, citizens boarded up their windows, stockpiled their canned goods, and turned their neighbors in to the CDC. Short wave radios fell off the shelves, evacuation routes were prepared. Gas masks and specialty filtration systems were distributed. Pills were available for those showing early symptoms. Pills that did not work. That were later replaced with cyanide as their active ingredient. For those who were brave enough to put their fingers near a loved one's mouth. The United States, Canada, Mexico, the virus swept down into South America and festered in the heat of the jungle. In some places it burned out. Superstition ruled and saved lives. But nothing stopped the virus.

You wake up to the crackle of dead airwaves.

Three months after the first diagnosed case of Currere Excessum was recorded, NATO approved Great Britain's use of nuclear force against the United States. It was assumed that all organic material would be reduced to ash under the impact. It was assumed that the Quarantine of the Americas would be temporary, at best. Any who survived the blast would be given the highest in humanitarian attention and medical care. The only American emissaries who knew of the plan lay incinerated in Washington. The Quarantine continued. The Americas lay abandoned. Empty.

(read more....)

- Brand-new game!
- Supportive of both personal and game-wide plots.
- We have a list of wanted characters made for your convenience.
- There are plenty of in-game activities to provide opportunities for personal character development.
- NC-17 friendly, which also means the game is for players eighteen years of age or over. No exceptions.
- Slash, femme-slash and het friendly.
- Come one, come all!



[No Subject]

The Morana Hill mods would like to extend an invitation to YOU!

Yes, you... the person who wants to play a pb of ANY AGE; any colour; any religion. The person who's looking for a game that's more about the character than the face of the moment; The person who's looking for a genuinely non-cliquey game. It's right here.

Our premise is simple. Take one original character, with a LIFE - maybe a job they love, maybe a family, maybe a group of friends.

And then... that character wakes up in Morana Hill, with no knowledge of how they got there. They can't leave. They can't call out. There is... apparently, no escape. Will they suck it up and make the best of small-town life in a place that strongly resembles Stepford? Or will they search for a way out? Can they solve the mystery of Morana Hill?

It's a simple premise - there are no preconceived 'character slots' to fill. We're not looking for any faces in particular, that's for YOU, the writer to choose. FREEDOM! ...well, apart from the no-escape thing. :D Fates are posted weekly, bringing new clues, and creating real-life drama to deal with.

Go 'head. Click the link. We hope you'll like what you see. Remember, while our main page is visible, most of the game is set to friends only - we ARE active. Ten players strong, and we're hoping you're looking to be number eleven. Why not give it a shot?

What is happening in MORANA HILL?

marauders-era, post-warts

[info]an_ill_wind via [info]illwindmod
Game Rules | Available Characters | Wanted Characters | FAQ
Hogwarts Information | Pureblood Aristocracy | Application

It's 1980, and as the first war escalades out of control, history is changing. Severus Snape did not overhear the original prophecy, but Rita Skeeter did. Millicent Bagnold is dead, and Rodolphus Lestrange is Minister for Magic. Regulus Black has not discovered Voldemort's use of horcruxes, and without an ominous threat against his immortality, Voldemort is focusing on taking control of all aspects of magical life. He is planning the eradication of Dumbledore's Order of the Phoenix. Purist ideology is slowly taking over wizarding culture and influencing the choices of those fleeing the country, those abandoning their society masks, and those making a call to arms.

An ill wind is blowing nobody any good.

We are a growing, organized, plot-driven game with many key characters available for application, and you might be just what we're missing. We would especially like to see Peter Pettigrew, Augustus Rookwood & Barty Crouch Sr., more DE's and DE supporters, media, and ministry employees!