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Enter the Rat Race [09 May 2010|11:32pm]
As some of you know, I work for a bus company. It's the end of the school year, so we're naturally busier than heck trying to get all the kiddies home from school in a reasonable fashion. For some reason, for the last two weeks, the kiddies have been resisting this attempt: there have been at least two lost children a week. I mean, they've been riding the bus all year -- what the heck is their problem?

One more month, I thought, and it would be summer. I would be free to catch up on my work. How very wrong I was.

On Friday, I was notified that our Motorcoach Department is being completely and utterly vacated. The manager (who has been there six years and jealously guards her secrets) is leaving. Her assistant (who has been there four weeks and has already missed more work than I have in the two years I've been there) is being fired.

Guess who gets to help out during this transition period, because she clearly has nothing better to do?

That's right. Me.

The problem is this: I cannot get a single piece of work done during the day, because I am answering the phone every few minutes to deal with lost and absent children, quotes for busing needs, and to answer questions regarding our driving academy...because apparently I am the only one lowly enough to answer some of those questions and because apparently I am the only one able to answer others.

And now I am expected to do Motorcoach Department work on top of my already lagging School Bus Department work.

Oh, happy day.

The result of this structural change will be the following: rather than work from 6:30 AM-11:00 AM/12:00 PM-3:30 PM, I will be working 4:00 AM-11:00 AM/12:00 PM-5:00 PM -- and this is if I'm lucky. If I'm very unlucky, I will be working 4:00 AM-9:00 PM, which is what I did all last summer for similar reasons.

As you can imagine, I am getting no over-time. All I can hope is that my boss will see my dedication and give me another $5000 raise -- which is the only reason I'm still around after last summer's nonsense. I'm kind of a greedy whore. But a hard-working one.

The point of this long-winded and bitter rant about how much I hate my job is this: I am going to be extremely slow if not outright absent. E-Mail will be the utmost best way to reach me. I'll try to post where I can -- and, oh, I do want to post! But don't expect much until this gets resolved.

Time Updates, because they are posted on weekends, will go on as normal. Hoorays for that!
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