In Poor Merit RPG OOC's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
In Poor Merit RPG OOC

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Storytime! [15 Mar 2010|12:23pm]
So, I'm exhausted from the big weekend away, and I have lots of modly things to do to catch up. I completely forgot to post the time update on Friday during the I had to type it on my cell phone. orz My poor fingers!

Anyway, I just wanted to drop you all a line to thank you for being patient and to check with you to see that everything is still running OK and that Ivory didn't forget to put a character here or change a link there!

And now I have AIM on my phone again -- updating it to the new AIM broke the software entirely. >.> Rawr. So, either way, I will be online later tonight!
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[ viewing | March 15th, 2010 ]
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