In Poor Merit RPG OOC's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
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Official Time Update Warning [12 Mar 2010|12:11am]
This is your official warning for the time update! :)

I will place an update for Day 2 sometime tomorrow afternoon.

For King and Cooper's night-time expedition, I will post a description of what they find in the time update. XD This will keep me from having to play multiple NPCs.

And hopefully my internets will stay connected tomorrow so I can actually post, because this is freaking ridiculous.
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Hospital time [12 Mar 2010|12:13am]
My little brother (age 3) is in the hospital atm with a dehydration issue. He spent all day throwing up. According to the doctors he can go home in the morning but god only knows what they'll say tomorrow. Either way, I'm hungry and exhausted so I won't be posting for at least tonight and possibly tomorrow.

-- Heather (Jamie, Eden, Mina, Riffraff)
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[ viewing | March 12th, 2010 ]
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