In Poor Merit RPG OOC's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
In Poor Merit RPG OOC

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Y HALO THAR [05 Mar 2010|10:35am]
Hi, I'm Dee. Some of you know me, as you requested I bring my two characters over here. To those who don't, hello. I am a thirtysomething single mom who talks too much and is online probably more than what is healthy. I have an eight year old son who I am prone to brag up every chance I get. Just tell me to knock it off, I promise I won't be offended.

Okay, and as for my characters. This is Cathair Delaney. He's a book keeper who recently immigrated to America from Ireland. He'll be rather paranoid and quiet at first, but once he warms up to people, he's very social and dependable. But he's not what he appears and it'll be fun having the rest of the prisoners find out his secret.

Then I have Maybelline Bennet, who is Cooper little woman. Well, she's not so little. Anyway, she's a strong willed Southern belle who is motherly and sweet in a rough around the edges sort of way. She's got a bad temper and a jealous streak, so hands off her man. ;)

Hello and hit me up here or on AIM as Laele25 for scenes. Yay for new game!
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We're Up! [05 Mar 2010|03:22pm]
Dee's characters brought the official count up to 6, which means it's officially Day One!

PLEASE let me know if you have a question about a time update or if you need clarification. I tend to forget to write in things or assume everyone can read my mind, so if there's something that doesn't make sense, please tell me!

Because this is the first game day, we'll see how things go this week~ If there are still a lot of open scenes, we may just extend the game day. I'm easy like that.

Start us off, folks! (I would, except I need to go shopping for my sister's birthday! Hooray!) If there are no open scenes when I get back, I may have to do it myself! *gasp!*
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