In Poor Merit RPG OOC's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
In Poor Merit RPG OOC

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All the pretty colors!~ [02 Mar 2010|11:25am]
Given my complete suckage at HTML, Jade has offered to revamp the game's appearance to make it pretty! It's looking great so far~ <3 Thanks, Jade!

This also makes her our HTML/Code Mod. I'm sure she didn't think she was going to have actual responsibilities when she volunteered! Hooray!

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Greetings! [02 Mar 2010|09:21pm]
It occurs to me that I never posted a hello to the OOC comm, nor a thank you for joining In Poor Merit~


Thank you!

My goal here is to build a community where every character gets to have that shining moment and coveted plot line of their very own. Obviously, at the beginning, it's going to be much simpler than it will be should we ever hit like 50 characters. But I'm going to try to make this work.

Part of building a community of involved participants is for everyone to get to know one another and be...involved. So, I invite you all to say hello, post your little (or big) blurbs about who you are and what you hope to see in this game, and all that good stuff. <3

Also, we are very, very close to officially opening -- hooray! For the first game day (the first week of real time), arrival to the island should be trauma enough without turning people into beasties and goblins and the like! Soon enough, however, certain things...will start to develop~ Ooh~ Ahh~

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