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Infinity Lounge: A Dressing Room

The Possibilities Are Endless

The Infinity Lounge is a bar,
much like what the header photos illustrate.

There are back rooms and hallways that can lead to anywhere, allowing for characters to have or start scenes in any setting they prefer.

When someone enters the lounge, they remember each subsequent other time that they've been here. They also remember not recalling the lounge whenever they leave.


May. 8th, 2018



Anyone know what planet this is?



Am I still in London?

May. 9th, 2018



Well fuck. Here we fucking go again.



Well this certainly isn't Alderaan....

May. 8th, 2018



Well, this is unexpected.



Net Post, Open

Well, no big surprise here. Once again, seems I'm the only one with a clue as to what's going on.

But hey, forget that. Disney/Fox deal, ammiright? Can't wait until I get to officially meet and know some of you.



Am I supposed to be here?

Hey guys.



I guess 2018 really is the year of bisexual mood lighting.

Not sure why it doesn't just come standard in bars these days. Really gives the place a little something extra.

I just wanted to say sorry guys.



I feel a little out of sorts in here. Like I don't really know anyone, or haven't met enough of you yet, so hello, I'm Carol.




I demand you return me home immediately!



It's odd that we've had such a rush of arrivals here recently.

If I don't know I'm Jane. It's good to meet you all.



Nat? Wanda? Anybody?

May. 7th, 2018



Net post. Open

Post Winter Soldier Barnes walks into a bar...

Too loud. Too bright. Is this supposed to be fun?




Okay, so... where the heck am I??



Well fuck. This isn't the library.



Well, this isn't quite how I imagined a lounge to be like based on the movies.



network post

iw spoilers )

May. 5th, 2018




Well at least this miserable place has plenty of alcohol options. Any you idiots recommend I try?

May. 2nd, 2018



[Network Post]

Hail and be well, citizens of this tavern.

I have traveled a great distance to seek an audience with the one they call Galactus.

Based on the mood lighting, I suspect I may have reached my destination.