Indie Promotion - April 9th, 2018 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Indie Promotion

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April 9th, 2018

[Apr. 9th, 2018|05:22 pm]


Hey all.

I'm Ruby. I like tattoos, bands way better than whatever crap you listen to, and kicking ass.

PS - Liv, you owe me for this.
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[Apr. 9th, 2018|05:53 pm]


Hey everyone. Adam here. Or Braun. Honestly, I'm good either way.

Just sitting here enjoying being RAW Tag Team Champion while I can, because I think my new partner is about to violate the wellness policy. I caught him using Flintstones Vitamins in the locker room.
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[Apr. 9th, 2018|06:05 pm]


Hiiiii guys and girls! I'm Kim. I wrestle around the world as Viper. I met a few of you when I came to the States for the Mae Young Classic (I wrestled as Piper Niven).

It's a real honor to chat with you all.
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