indelible_smile's Journal


8th March 2009

6:09pm: What do Dark Signers want?
Even Jack’s voice actor, in the group interview, said he wanted a clear layout of the case against the Dark Signers. We don’t really know what the DS want to do. Godwin told us they’re evil, but I don’t entirely trust Godwin.

Granted, what the DS are doing doesn’t look good. But what if they’re just trying to make the world more comfortable for dead people? Compare the length of time you’re alive with the length of time you’re going to be dead, and don’t they suddenly make much more sense?

Another possibility is that at least some of them may be involved unwillingly. It seems they didn’t choose to be Dark Signers any more than the heroes chose to be Signers. Some of the DS may be as unwilling as Aki was. And then to find out you’re expected to be evil and destroy the world, and the only way out is to be re-deadened by a Signer…

But the Signers are supposed to be the good guys, and I’d expect them, like Yuusei, to be reluctant to kill. (Although not all of them seem reluctant. And they seem to be converting Yuusei to their way of thinking instead of the other way around, which I find disappointing for “good guys”.)

If you found out you were a Dark Signer, but you didn’t really want to destroy the world, don’t you think it would be easier for a Signer to kill you if you acted like a really bad guy?
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