indelible_smile's Journal


20th February 2009

7:01pm: Tag!
Concept from 2chan: We know there have been tag riding duels with sidecars, such as Saiga used to do. Imagine Kiryuu and Carly tag dueling Yuusei and Jack for double the angst!

To tick off Jack the most, ideally she'd be riding right on the bike with Kiryuu, but since clumsy is part of her character description I doubt he'd want that. Although another crash would be a convenient excuse to avoid a definite conclusion again.

If Kiryuu and Carly crashed, do you think Yuusei and Jack would just drive away and let the other Dark Signers come pick them up? I don't, I think they'd be captured.

Of course this is all just speculation. The Dark Signers won't tag duel because only one Earthbound God can be on the field at a time. But they seem to get along so well, dressing in co-ordinated outfits and all, that I'd like to see them find a way to use the power of unity. This is still YGO, isn't it?
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