Thursday, September 23rd, 2010

you're the empty city streets, but i see you.

Who: Rinne Savage (SEVER) and Will Wellington-Green (RAZOR).
Where: Hospital.
When: Backdated to after Annemarie's accident.
What: When she gets the call about Annemarie, Rinne meets Will outside the hospital room, they have a talk and make a decision about what it is they're doing when it comes to "them".

your skin is cellophane, you know i feel the same, sometimes it feels like you don't have a body )
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Tuesday, September 14th, 2010

text message.


TO: Chris.
FROM: Rinne.

Inbox (1) )

TO: Annemarie.
FROM: Rinne.

Inbox (1) )
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Saturday, September 11th, 2010


Encoded email sent from an anonymous account to all addresses for Will, despite bounce-backs..

Will )
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Sunday, August 22nd, 2010


TO: "Annemarie Wellington-Green" <>, "Oliver Green" <>, "Rinne Savage" <">, "Tobey Stratford" <>
FROM: "Annisa Franco" <>
SUBJECT: Will. )
(3 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, August 15th, 2010


TO: "AM" <>
FROM: "Rinne" <>
SUBJECT: No Subject )

TO: "Will" <>
FROM: "Rinne" <>
SUBJECT: No Subject )

TO: "Chris" <>
FROM: "Rinne" <>
SUBJECT: No Subject )
(18 comments | Leave a comment)

Thursday, August 12th, 2010

Text message to Wellington-Greens, Luc, James, Rinne )
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Friday, August 6th, 2010

log: sever & maddox.

Who: Rinne Savage (SEVER) & Jude Maddox.
What: Not up to physical training, Rinne pops into the shooting range.
When: Backdated to just after the Agent Interrogation classes.

Unless you've been romancing Dean on the sly, haven't fucking seen you in here. Been too shitting busy to visit, Savage? )
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Saturday, July 17th, 2010


Text to Constance Quigley, Ash Stockton, Maggie Foster, Luc Rossi, Jeffery Collender, Vania Hellstrom, Holden Pierce, Roza Nova, Svana Grimsdóttir, Jude Maddox, Bastian Whitaker, Marty Dalton, Annemarie Wellington-Green, Madison Lee, Rinne Savage )

Text to Luc Rossi )
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Monday, July 12th, 2010

Thread: Razor, Kneecap, Zero, Sever, Ghost, Blackjack, Platinum, & Harlequin

Who: Will Wellington-Green, Garrett Reynolds, Zhang Li Mei, and the Monday morning interrogation group.
Where: The interrogation training room.
When: Monday morning.
What: The first round of physical interrogation begins, and it's off to a volatile start.
Rated: For violence? Duh.

It's very simple. You can tell me, and you can make it stop. )
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Friday, July 2nd, 2010

log: sever & quack.

Who: Rinne Savage and Holland Wilson.
Where: His office.
When: Yesterday afternoon.
What: Rinne goes to see Holland in his office for an update on how she's doing, needless to say she's not much with the touchy feely emotional stuff.

You look like you've been invited to the range to stand before a firing squad. If it makes you feel better, you can stand to attention? )
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Sunday, June 27th, 2010

we're hoping and praying, there's one life worth saving.

Who: Sever.
Where: Her apartment.
When: Backdated to last night!
What: Narrative: Rinne has an instrospective and retrospective evening at home, turns out she's had a crutch the last six months after all.

trust in us, if you can trust in us; follow the lead for hearts that bleed, we're a difficult breed )
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Monday, June 14th, 2010

four emails and a text message.

TO: <> “Will Wellington-Green”
FROM: <> “Annemarie Wellington-Green”
SUBJECT: I’m home. )

TO: <> “Hugo Wellington”, <> “Oliver Green”
FROM: <> “Annemarie Wellington-Green”
SUBJECT: Guess who’s home! )

TO: <> “Fairweather”
FROM: <> “Annemarie Wellington-Green”
SUBJECT: Will. )

TO: <> “James London”
FROM: <> “Annemarie Wellington-Green”
SUBJECT: Guess what... )

Text to Rinne Savage )
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Thread: Razor & Sever.

Who: Will and Rinne.
Where: The medbay.
When: Sunday afternoon.
What: After the bomb drops that he's actually alive, Rinne goes down to see Will in the medlabs as per his invitation.

People died in their profession and that was fact, but people didn't then come back from the dead. )
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