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September 19th, 2010 12:47 pm
Where were you, when everything was falling apart? (open to Will) [

WHO: Tobey Stratford and Will Wellington-Green.
WHAT: Tobey is attacked while walking home from work and Will just happens to be stalking in the area.
WHEN: Sunday night.

It was hard to ignore the tense atmosphere hanging around the Agency these days, not unless you were completely oblivious. Tobey wasn’t paying as much attention to it as some people -he had other things on his mind after all- but he was well aware that they were edging ever closer to some kind of precipice. With agents going AWOL, others suspected of betrayal and Black making an unwelcome appearance on the network, it was clear that no one was really safe anymore. Despite the warning signs though, it hadn’t occurred to Tobey that he might have to watch out. He was just a doctor after all, it wasn’t as though he was privy to any big secrets or scandals. He might put the agents back together after they’d been taken apart but he never got to hear why they were missing a finger or suffering from a concussion. So he didn’t think twice about leaving the office unaccompanied just after midnight. His apartment was within walking distance and it was a nice night, so Tobey set off at a brisk pace, earphones in and music playing like any other walk home.

He’d been walking for about fifteen minutes and had just turned off into a quieter street when he felt strong hands grab his shoulders and shove him face first into a wall. Naturally his first thought -after acknowledging the pain- was that he was being mugged again and he shouted over his shoulder at his attacker. “Just take the wallet! It’s in my coat pocket!” Survival instincts tended to trump pride and there was no way Tobey was going to risk getting stabbed or shot when everything in his wallet could be easily replaced. It made no sense though when he was kicked in the back of the knee so that he fell awkwardly to the ground, another blow swiftly delivered to his ribcage.
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September 16th, 2010 11:20 pm
we're not the same, we're different tonight [

WHO: Madison Lee [POE] and Jack O'Shea [SPEAKEASY]
WHAT: Jack and Madison watch Monty Python, drink too much and spill a few secrets.
WHEN: Backdated to the night of August 31st
WHERE: Madison’s apartment

we'll make things right, we'll feel it all tonight, we'll find a way to offer up the night tonight. )
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September 14th, 2010 5:18 pm

WHO: Ollie & AM
WHAT: A drink, or five
WHEN: Tuesday night. Don't judge.
WHERE: AM's apartment so as not to get shitfaced in front of her youngest sibs.

Knock Knock. Who's there? Jack Daniels. )
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September 14th, 2010 3:06 pm
text message. [


TO: Chris.
FROM: Rinne.

Inbox (1) )

TO: Annemarie.
FROM: Rinne.

Inbox (1) )
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September 12th, 2010 8:55 pm

TO: [HR]
FROM: "James London" <>
SUBJECT: Accounts. )
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September 12th, 2010 8:54 pm
Text [

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September 13th, 2010 9:38 am

TO: "James London" <>
FROM: "Melinda Hayes" <>
SUBJECT: Accounts )

[After this]

TO: "Reese Vaudeville" <>
FROM: "Melinda Hayes" <>
SUBJECT: Accounts )
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September 12th, 2010 2:06 am
Break my arms around the one I love. [

WHO: Grace Cartwright and Garrett Reynolds.
WHAT: A revelation or two.
WHEN: Immediately after Christopher's interrogation and exoneration, Sept 2nd. [BACKDATED]
WHERE: The observation room off a holding cell in the basement. she was thanking Garrett for something that only someone who really knew him would have even picked up on. )
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September 11th, 2010 7:29 pm
email. [

Encoded email sent from an anonymous account to all addresses for Will, despite bounce-backs..

Will )
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September 11th, 2010 1:31 am
TEXTS: Elodie, Reese [

[Text to Elodie, 2:08 AM]
Have you ever considered murder?

[Text to Reese, 2:32 AM]
Need a ride. Washington hospital center.
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September 10th, 2010 10:54 pm
Texts to Prue & Jack [

Jacob Kleinberg
On my way home, mine or yours? <3
Received On:
Sept 10 10, 8:50pm

On my way home, put your pants on and clean up the empties.
Received On:
Sept 10 10, 8:52pm
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September 6th, 2010 10:48 pm

FROM: Olivier Willems.
BCC: Master Li, Olivia Rakala, Roza Nova.
SUBJ: Training.

Any availability this week for some training?

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September 6th, 2010 12:13 am

Text to Reid Valentine )
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September 4th, 2010 9:07 pm
A warning to the people, the good and the evil: this is war. (Open to Cliff and AM!) [

It wasn't a mistake that Cliff had noticed. It wasn't a sign of Will going crazy(er), or of him confusing memories, or sending something to one person that he meant to send to another. It was a message, and one that he'd trusted his brother would be smart enough to figure out. Matinee show. Alien movie. And he knew that if Cliff wasn't sure what to do with it, he'd ask Anne, who would be. Between the two of them, one would show at the theater Will would be waiting at, and they could always text the other to show up. Or just talk to him alone. Despite his vanishing, and being well aware that he should involve the absolute minimum number of people necessary, he missed them both. He'd only just gotten his family back, and despite not having been the most outgoing he'd ever been in the past few months, he didn't want to be so separated from them so soon. But that was why he was doing this, really. The threat of that. The threats against them. And against a number of people, considering how many were associated with Will. Not to mention the very real threats against himself.

But he needed to contact them. He needed to let at least one of them know what was going on, know that he wasn't insane, that he wasn't the mole, that he wasn't off in Bolivia somewhere by this point, or whatever people were thinking of him. Not that really burning his identity here would be a bad idea, at this point. Or out of his reach. They were all trained to do just that, and Will had been with the Agency longer than most. If he wanted to get gone, then it'd be dust in the wind.

Instead, he was patiently waiting at the AMC, glad that the weekend's rain had afforded a reason to wear a hoodie without looking conspicuous. Relief moved through him when he saw Cliff in the crowd, watched him scanning, going into the theater. His poor little brother. Will slipped in a few minutes later, after the lights had already gone down, up top rather than from the ground. The showing was almost completely empty, just Cliff and a family that was much further down. Silently, he was in the seat next to Cliff a moment later. "Movie doesn't work if you don't wear the glasses, you know." Not that he was wearing any, but.

[Open to Cliff and Annemarie]
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September 4th, 2010 12:50 am

TO: "Annemarie Wellington-Green"
FROM: "Cliff Wellington-Green"
SUBJECT: no subject )
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September 4th, 2010 2:40 am
youve got mail. [

Sent from a random email account which is purged afterwards, and will return all replies with an error message. Pingbacks jump around, trying to provide different ISPs for each email sent, although after hackers untangle it a bit they show that they've come from Tennessee. However, the manner in which it shows suggests that this location is unreliable and possibly set up via another hacker.

Fairweather )

Annemarie )

Cliff )

Annisa )

Tobey )

Rinne )

Ollie and Hugo )
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September 3rd, 2010 12:10 pm
Email [

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September 2nd, 2010 11:51 pm

Left at Nick Doubleday's doorstep at the stroke of midnight. Or 11:55 PM. )
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September 2nd, 2010 1:47 pm
text~ [

Text to Annisa Franco )
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August 31st, 2010 12:33 pm

TO: "Razor"
FROM: "Fairweather"
SUBJECT: Show Yourself )
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