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EMAIL: Level Five Administration [23 Sep 2010|12:26am]
From: Level 10 Administration
Subject: Communication blackout

This is the last communication we will be making until further notice. Contacts in the field utterly compromised, established relationships at an end due to elimination, isolation is the only way forward. Word has come through that if there is a strike, it will happen in the very near future. Black was always a level five problem, we must ensure the company can continue regardless of what happens.

Good luck.

Level 10 Administration.
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text messages. [23 Sep 2010|03:21pm]
Jacob. )

Madison. )

Annisa. )
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email. [23 Sep 2010|03:26pm]
TO: Leonard Slater
FROM: Richard Summerbee-Kenmore
CC: Sid Vesper
SUBJECT: Incident. )
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you're the empty city streets, but i see you. [23 Sep 2010|07:07pm]
Who: Rinne Savage (SEVER) and Will Wellington-Green (RAZOR).
Where: Hospital.
When: Backdated to after Annemarie's accident.
What: When she gets the call about Annemarie, Rinne meets Will outside the hospital room, they have a talk and make a decision about what it is they're doing when it comes to "them".

your skin is cellophane, you know i feel the same, sometimes it feels like you don't have a body )
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Drink up baby doll, are you in or are you out? [23 Sep 2010|11:34pm]
WHO: Jacob & Prudence
WHAT: Jacob has an exit strategy
WHEN: Thursday night
WHERE: Jacob's apartment

It's alright, there's beauty in the breakdown )
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[ viewing | September 23rd, 2010 ]
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